How To Slice Pie
The homemade kitchen table sat
In the center of a small
Cozy warm room, dominated
By her, and her firm all
Cooking meals and preserving food
On the wood burning stove
She could do it all so I'm told
The stove held treasure trove
When she was teen, she learned to care
For the very young child
An older sister died leaving
In their care four compiled
She used her knowledge rearing own
A trick held up her sleeve
To prevent sibling rivilary
Her wiles did tightly weave
She would let one child cut last piece
Of pie, other first choose
Each child would equally divide
One child right did abuse
This little boy cut one piece big
Way bigger than other
He saw he made a grave mistake
Grabbed piece ran from mother
He tripped and fell flat sprawling
Dropped his big piece of pie
And his sister sat relishing
Each bite while he did sigh
The moral of this story is
Do right my friend at soup
Don't take too big piece of pie
The results could be dupe
Just writing for fun and telling a family story
Copyright © Sara Kendrick | Year Posted 2012
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