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House Lizards

They (wife and children) are scared to see it, As though Dinosaur made another writ; Hearing its rudely vexatious squealing, Each found corners feeling unappealing...! To me it seemed a pet, like dog or cat, Though I hated the way on wall it sat; And when its number increased like sea-sands, I knew I cannot chase them by my hands...! Bad Omen - My kith and kin said firmly, Destroy them lest they destroy you warmly; Pesticides or parquet - anything works, They are, often, mere mentally-ill berks...! I could not decide; I have heard often, They get soften and squeeze into coffin; Make human body mingle with the earth, Bring about resurrection and rebirth...! I felt numb when one such fell on my head, It causes illness within mind, they said; I prepared myself: Lo! One day, two, three, I could never find myself less than free...! Keep peacock feathers in rooms; they will die; Spray petrol; they will surely soon bid good-bye; Why trouble, some said, Just naphthalene balls, Smell of these any such realm overhauls...! I could not, having tried, many great ways. I thought, they are just God-given sun-rays; That try to teach us humans something strange:- Courage must exceed any mountain-range...??? 23 October 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/24/2022 7:46:00 AM
So don't keep me in suspense. Did you finally get rid of them??
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Alex Avatar
Christuraj Alex
Date: 10/24/2022 9:02:00 AM
Thank you very much. May God Bless You!
Date: 10/23/2022 2:20:00 PM
Nicely penned Christuraj, hope there is some relief from them
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Alex Avatar
Christuraj Alex
Date: 10/23/2022 7:26:00 PM
Thank you very much. May God Bless You!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry