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Holding On To Summer

Summer freedom came when the last bell rang, telling us that summer vacation had started. No more teachers telling us what to do, no more homework, until after Labor Day. Time for us to do what we wanted. Sleeping in and all the freedom we wanted was ours for the taking. Bike riding until our legs ached, but we didn't care one bit. Swimming holes in the country was where we headed on those long hot days. Friends together doing what we loved. Watching lighting bugs as they flew over our heads was such a joy. Telling ghost stories or about men from outer space coming down to visit us. Movies, reading our comics on a raining day, what a tender memory that was. Childhood days went by way to fast as did our summer vacation, we were always wanting to hold on to summer, knowing that Labor Day would soon be here and back to school we would go. Written 8-11-11

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/14/2011 5:33:00 PM
Another lovely nostalgic piece, James - thanks for sharing and keep them coming!
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Date: 8/12/2011 4:33:00 PM
James, as always I loved the poem. I have been absent for awhile also. Hope the back is getting better. Keep posting my friend. Jeff
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Date: 8/11/2011 11:32:00 PM
I really relate to this. it's gotta be our "roots" are so similar in the midwest ways. My b day was on Labor Day and ony falls on it every time Sept5 is on a monday. It is cool but at the same time I hate it becuase it's summer's END.
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Date: 8/11/2011 3:50:00 PM
remember all these memories and then some James.. we always counted down the days till it was Summer.. now I hang onto Summer cause I never want it to leave.. lovely piece my friend..luv..
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