Hindsight 20-20
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Poetry/Verse/Hindsight 20-20/Human Written
Copyright Protected, ID 11-1684-660-02
All Rights Reserved, 2024, Constance La France
Copying any part of this work is prohibited without permission
Written, November 02, 2024
For the International Contest, Hindsight 20-20
Sponsor, Crystol Woods, Judged 11/29/2024
Second Place
This is a true story of an accident that I was involved in years ago. It was tragic as people died and many were hurt. When all the crunching of metal and sliding of cars ended all was quiet, and I was sitting in my car with my seatbelt on, but facing the wrong direction, shaken, I was in shock and unable to move.

The Tragedy
It happened years ago when I was driving from Montreal,
it had started snowing pretty gentle snowflakes;
but once I got on the highway the snow was coming down,
it was heavy and visiblility was impossible now.
There were a lot of big transport trucks on the highway,
they were passing cars very fast fanning snow;
I was a hill and could not see the top behind was a truck,
when I got to the top the cars were stopped.
I kept looking in my rear mirror at those truck lights so close,
every vehicle on the hill was not moving anymore;
then, the huge truck crashed right into the back of my car,
I recall looking down as my car sailed up above.
It was like slow motion with no noise as I watched the horror,
my life did not flash in my mind but I was scared;
I truly thought my life was over then my car crashed down,
it was sliding down the road until it stopped.
The police opened the door and helped me out and I was fine,
my car however was split in half behind my seat;
I remember the officer saying it was not your day to die miss,
heard that sadly many people had died in the crash.
The Vision
I had to take a bus home in the snowstorm so had time to think,
had my God spared me death for some reason;
it that why I did not see my life flash in my mind as the car sailed,
did I have a future purpose to fulfill in this life.
For days and days I was haunted with questions of the reason why,
I now realize how precious each day of life is;
as we never know when our time will end, in a second it can be gone,
so, I promised myself to live in the moment always.
Time passed and I felt the need to write poetry in the night and day,
I could not write enough and it become a thirst;
soon, I began to believe this was my purpose in life to write poetry,
poetry of my life so that I can inspire and help.
And so I do, share my life in words, the good and the sad things,
yes, all the deaths, all the problems, all the sadness;
some tell me my poems have helped them realize they are not alone,
I believe it is my purpose to share with others in pain.
If that is my purpose in poetry I gladly take up my pen and write,
if I can help a single person God will be proud of me;
so, I write of my life, all the suffering and all the pain and deaths,
and I share my anguish, grief and my emotions.
Copyright © Constance La France | Year Posted 2024
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