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Hickory Dickory, One O'Clock

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I resided in a beautiful old home, on the sunny side of the street; And I had friendly neighbors, offering hellos whenever we'd meet. Often when I was off from work, I puttered in my house or garden, As cool breezy treetop swings, are the select favorites of red robin. My friends and I would sometimes gather, for backyard barbecues, Like puffy clouds gather together, to experience the shades of blue. I was the owner a curio shop, which sold souvenirs and rare items, As visitors to the far-off lands, sometimes enter foreign kingdoms. The business provided interesting work, and I loved each new find, As flowers adore to get lost in the night, because true love is blind. I, along with my three employees, jointly managed day to lilac day, Like nature gladly manages, when all the children come out to play. Some weekends my friends and I, took a starry night on the town, Just as night owl starts hooting, when the crimson sun goes down! At home I had a grandfather clock, a fine and cherished heirloom; And like luxury rays of sunshine golden, it vivified the living room. I took the best care of my clock, to preserve its perfect condition, In the same way one takes physical woes, to a qualified physician. One day I sat contentedly reading, whilst my cat dozed at my feet, When suddenly she jumped up and ran, giving an enraged screech! I looked up just in time to watch, a fearful mouse run up the clock; As my cat snarled far below, the two caught in frustrated deadlock. Or so I thought before the mouse vanished, behind the clock itself, Frustrating the cat all the more, like shadows when sunshine swells. I immediately began to move the clock, for I did not need any mice, But I banged my clock hard in the process, and later paid the price. All my efforts were for naught, as that mouse had detected its hole, And had vanished someplace within, so sealing it was my next goal. Afterwards I replaced the clock, but woefully its hands had stopped, Just around the time mouse ran up, at 1pm-the hands were locked! I was made doleful by this occurrence, until the clock struck at 2pm, As wilting blooms burst to life with rain, reversing natural mayhem. Next day I called a clockmaker, who declared mine in mint condition, And he left me smiling happily, as if smiles were his solitary mission. But later on at 1pm that day, my sunny smile again had disappeared, For the clock had stopped anew, but at 2pm, its radiance reappeared. I had no choice but to accept, that my heirloom was forever altered, Like fevered blooms in the spell of heat, when the rains have faltered. I never saw that ole mouse again, though it has shortened my days, Just as a day is shortened, as the sun goes to orange eclipse phase. But my clock yet keeps flawless time, twenty-three hours of the day, Excepting the hour a mouse took with it, in a mad haste to get away!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 2/1/2022 4:42:00 PM
Hello Evelyn ... you'll have to find that mouse and get your one o'clock back - thanks for your charming tale Evelyn - Lindsay
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 2/1/2022 8:35:00 PM
Hello Lindsay, You are most welcome. Thank you for the compliment. I doubt the mouse will return after its lucky escape from my cat. :0
Date: 1/29/2022 12:40:00 PM
Evelyn your poem was a joy to read. I loved rhyming pattern. Loved the ending, "The mouse took an hour with him". Left me with a smile. Blessings ~ Debra
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/29/2022 2:40:00 PM
Thank you for your gratifying appreciation, Debra. I am so pleased to have caused a smile. Have a lovely rest of the day, Evelyn
Date: 1/29/2022 8:50:00 AM
What a lovely tale of cat and mouse. It was a pleasure to read your rhyming scenes, and the people in your life. Thanks for sharing so much with us. Your poems are always a great read. A poet friend in Texas, Bill
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/29/2022 10:21:00 AM
You are very welcome, Bill. Sharing is my joy. Thank you so much for your words of delight. Your poet friend in Chicago, Evelyn
Date: 1/29/2022 1:37:00 AM
Lovely story written with great imagery and rhyme. I'm sure there are ways to catch a mouse.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/29/2022 10:26:00 AM
Thank you very much for the compliment. At this point, I am only interested in that hour the mouse took with it. :0
Date: 1/28/2022 8:14:00 PM
Every time I read your poems, Evelyn, it seems profound and pleasant, and this one is no exception. Thank you for sharing. I hope you are doing well.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/29/2022 10:31:00 AM
You are most welcome, and I am doing well, thank you. I am so glad that my poems are providing such a positive experience, Lasaad. Do enjoy your weekend, Evelyn
Date: 1/28/2022 6:41:00 PM
This is a really cute story, Evelyn. I find it fascinating that the clock refuses to chime that one hour! I do know, however, that grandfather clocks can be very temperamental.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/28/2022 7:40:00 PM
Thank you so much for your thoughts, Milton. I enjoyed writing this tale, and I'm so glad you enjoyed reading. Have a blessed weekend, my friend.
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