Happy Mother's Day Mama
Mama you gave life to me and spoil me
with such unconditional love
You raised me up on your own and gave me
all that you could, and made sure I learned
from young age that wanting and needing
are two different things that I must
understand I won't always get the YES.
You taught me to be a lady with self respect
and a humble passion heart act with pure
intent that shall love others especially
the needy ones.
You made sure that God is above everything
that I must always give Him thanks and praise.
You told me but once, that I have two choices
in life... Be lazy and miserable or work hard
and happiness will sustain me, and of course
I wanted to be just like you mama.
No matter what situation I'm in, you're
always there to the rescue, you never yelled
but softly asked if I learned a lesson.
In your beautiful chocolate brown eyes
I was perfect and still is somewhat..."wink."
In your sweetest and golden heart I was
the owner and will always be.
That beautiful sweet smile lets me know
how proud you are for me, and
In your loving arms is my comfort zone
safe and worldly peaceful.
Day in and day out you are as ever the same
never loses a single strand of your patience and
unconditional love for me.
Mama you're my world inspiration my hero.
Words can't express enough of my gratitude
for all you've done and sacrificed for me.
I am who I am today because of you and God
I am truly and sincerely grateful everyday.
I thank you with all my heart and soul,
and I love you to the max and to no end.
Happy Mother's Day Mama... Smile
Akkina R Downing
Happy mother's day to all the mothers who sacrificed everything for their children
Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017
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