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Happy Mother's Day In Heaven

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Happy Mother's Day to ALL Moms, still here and in Heaven! 

Happy Mothers Day In Heaven by Artsieladie

How I miss you, Mom, All the times we spent together. I Loved all the times we talked About everything, even weather. Just spending time with you Meant the world to me; Sharing all your wisdom Helped me to wiser be. What I wouldn't give To have more time with you, To turn back the clock, Make yesterdays anew. I was told this would get easier As time went on and passed, But it was all so untrue Because missing pain does last. As long as I live to draw a breath, With each greeting of the dawn, With each closing of a day, I'm reminded you are gone. Holidays, your birthday, I barely make it through, But Mother's Day especially Because the greatest Mom is you. But every day is Mother's Day, For not a single day goes by, I don't think of you and miss you With tears swelling up each eye. Happy Mother's Day In Heaven, Mom, to you with Love I send. Only when we're reunited, will my Heartache from missing you, end. Art/Poem by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2016-05-08 22:43:00 (EST) All rights reserved.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 5/12/2018 11:46:00 AM
Another touching write, Artsie. I'm reminded of the song by Reba entitled, "For My Broken Heart" and it's words, "the world didn't stop, for my broken heart." Nice to read you again:) Happy Mother's Day!
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Date: 5/12/2018 11:24:00 AM
aww Artsie, I have a huge lump in my throat reading such a touching poem that many people will sadly be able to relate to. I am blessed I still have my mum but she lost her mum when she was only 8 and it affected her deeply - she still talks about her 'mummy' almost every day. hugs Jan xx
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