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They don’t want to talk about it so I learned not to talk about it after all, why would they want to hear it want to discuss it After all, they have daughters After all, they have sons and grandsons and granddaughters of their own… Like a phantom limb: A leg ripped loose or an arm or a heart... One knows it is gone yet it still aches long after Handicapped On disability One of THOSE who has loved loved and lost a child… They don’t want to talk about so I learned not to talk about it…

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 6/18/2015 7:49:00 PM
I would like to say I know this feeling, 'tho I can't lay claim, only by God's good grace,.however, I loved my son-in-law as my own, & feel the void in the little things, the daily emails that never come,the special junk food tucked away in the cupboard meant just for him.It is a stabbing moment each time.I am moved by this poignant poem, so sorry that you must talk to the wall, instead of to someone who understands. As I said, I don't own this is not mine to own..but I understand it.
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Date: 6/17/2015 9:25:00 AM
poignant and beautifully written, tim! i have personal experience with disability and you've captured this very well (although, fortunately, i do have friends who are open to hearing about it).
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Date: 6/16/2015 2:22:00 PM
A heartbreaking write Tim - I know it can be very difficult for people to talk about someone who has died for fear of upsetting the relatives - but the pain of not talking about them can be even more hurtful:-( hugs jan xx 7 x
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