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Paintings - Impression: Sunrise by Claude Monet (1840-1926) - Deer in Stream by Philip Goodwin (1881-1935) Red sun climbs an impressionist sea climb Boats and waves dance a gymnopédie time stands still Doe and her fawn in a dawn reverie they drink from a stream in their tranquility They taunt me whispers and shadows and vague silhouettes still haunt me Vainly grasping for words to explain why? Empty questions shed tears in the rain - I don't know Was there a season of darkness we missed? A wave of emotion we somehow dismissed? Au revoir, dawn wondering how we will make it through with our fawn gone? //Dedicated to my Uncle Don and Aunt Betty whose son Andy took his own life at age 19 Lyrics may be sung to Gymnopédie #1 by Erik Satie Gymnopédie - a dance of ancient Sparta Impressionism - a movement of the late 19th century in both art and music with which Claude Monet (art) and Erik Satie (music) are most often affiliated// Written 5 Aug 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/3/2022 7:18:00 AM
A very moving piece, John : and beautiful figurative language in the last stanza. Au Revior means we’ll meet again and the notes lift and rise with hope, even though the loss remains. Your Aunt and Uncle will treasure this comforting piece. Best, SuZ
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John Watt
Date: 9/3/2022 4:26:00 PM
SuZ, thank you for walking with me through this sad chapter. Your comments are so touching, especially the hope implied within the words Au Revoir. Sadly, my uncle and aunt have both passed away long ago, so I was not able to share this with them, but it will help me remember them and the sadness they went through. Hugs ~ John
Date: 8/27/2022 2:42:00 PM
Waiting for new poetry from you!
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John Watt
Date: 8/27/2022 5:42:00 PM
Aw, aren't you sweet?
Date: 8/26/2022 3:45:00 AM
Suicide is an awful thing, one never gets used to it, just learns to live with it John , you have created a masterpiece, Congrats, this is amazing to say the least !
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John Watt
Date: 8/26/2022 4:37:00 PM
Yes Rose, it leaves the survivors with so many questions that can never be answered. Plus a realization of how much pain must have been there. Thank you for your generous comment ~ John
Date: 8/25/2022 3:58:00 PM
Perhaps the most inspirational heartfelt writing I have read -- I'm honored that this became part of your soul--and then shared with us all! Many contests that are truly not contests would have you sharing this honor with others when it should, and does, stand on its own...
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:22:00 PM
Craig, thank you for the interesting contest and your high esteem for this entry. I have loved this music since I first saw 'My Dinner With Andre' and its melancholy vibe took me in an unexpected direction. I'm glad to have had an opportunity to write about one of the darker corners of my family history. Cheers ~ John
Date: 8/25/2022 9:55:00 AM
John, this is just amazing. The images, the formatting that enhances the sense of of time standing still by using spacing - just brilliant! Your musical talent, and deeply compassionate heart, underscores (sorry) every line, every image with your heart wrenching question at the end of your elegy. A hit into the parking lot dear friend. I am deeply grieved by your family's loss. Know I send prayers on wings of God's comfort! Wonderful to have you back on the soup! Blessings to you R&R bro!
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:55:00 PM
Thank you Sam for your compassionate and affirming words. I know you always 'go deep' when you read and your comments reflect your thoughtful and empathetic nature. I appreciate the prayers and blessings and your ongoing support, not to mention our mutual enjoyment of music. August blessings to you ~ R&R bro
Date: 8/25/2022 8:57:00 AM
John, an excellent poem with beautiful art work and congratulations on your win in the contest ~
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:52:00 PM
Constance, your visit and kind affirmation and congrats are deeply appreciated. Hope you are enjoying your day ~ John
Date: 8/24/2022 10:03:00 PM
I am so very happy to see this moving entry win the Trophy John. Congratulations on your well deserved win my friend. Music and your lyrical words flow together in perfect poetic art. Blessings xxoo
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:51:00 PM
I appreciate you coming back to bless me with your glowing words, Connie. I finally got around to responding to your earlier comment here, I hope you have a moment to read it, for you are deeply appreciated. This was a hard write for me, and I think I got a little frozen on my responses. Hugs ~ John
Date: 8/24/2022 9:12:00 PM
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this... showcasing your God-given talent as a lyricist. God bless you.
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:31:00 PM
Beata, I appreciate your visit and the very kind words. God bless you as well ~ John
Date: 8/24/2022 3:32:00 PM
So great. I knew you would win with this one. Big congrats, my friend. Well deserved.
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:30:00 PM
Greatly appreciated, my friend.
Date: 8/24/2022 1:50:00 PM
Beautiful dedication, wonderful win and so worthy. God bless you. Love, Gina
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:30:00 PM
Thank you for the endearing words and blessing, sister. Hope your day is going well ~ John
Date: 8/24/2022 11:38:00 AM
Congrats on your top win, John! I knew it would be a winner, with your tender, expressive lyrics! You deserve it, friend! :)
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:29:00 PM
Laura, thank you for your lovely comment. I hope you have enjoyed your journey! Hugs ~ John
Date: 8/17/2022 3:57:00 PM
Lovely poem of dedication, John. I enjoyed the poetry, and the beautiful accompanying music on youtube. Thanks for the peace and serenity you've shared with us with this music. My soul is at peace, my mind calm as a still lake. Peace and tranquility to you my friend, Bill
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:25:00 PM
Bill, I'm glad this could provide you with a moment of peace and tranquility. The music is very tranquil - I've been using it as my wake-up song for the last couple of months. Appreciate the read and kind words from a friend ~ John
Date: 8/12/2022 2:11:00 AM
John I love your passion for Artist and paintings. My father Rene was a painter and sculptor. He carved President Reagan facial features and presented it to him when he visited Rochester NY. President Reagan send him a thank you letter and his Carving is in the Reagan Library. My father also lectured on his paintings at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Monet was my favorite along with Passaro, and Vincent van Goph. I will have to do a narrative on either Monet or van Goph. This inspired..
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:27:00 PM
Michael, thank you for sharing about your father Rene. I'm sure he instilled in you a love and appreciation for the arts. I'm glad to know we share some favorite artists... I have books of the three you mentioned and enjoy the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists more than any other period of art history. I look forward to reading your upcoming narrative. Take care my friend ~ John
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Michael Tor
Date: 8/12/2022 2:13:00 AM
me John. I love this Lyric Poem of yours, it reminded me of my late dad Rene, and his paintings and passion for art. A favorite John, thank you for your fine effort in writing... God bless...
Date: 8/11/2022 1:11:00 PM
wow, you did amazing work. I truly wish I could find the time even to just LISTEN to the music but to listen over and over in order to do it, I don't know when I'd find the time. Love how you showed pictures and made this a tribute as well. I bet anything this gets a win
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John Watt
Date: 8/11/2022 1:31:00 PM
Even though this was a relatively short one for me it took me 2 weeks to get it right... good thing the contest didn't fill up quickly. I hope you can find the time to give it a try, you're always so good with lyrics. Thanks for the kind comment ~ John
Date: 8/10/2022 1:46:00 PM
So creative and rich with aesthetic taste with stunning choice of similes.. those paintings speak through the picturesque figures of speechless
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:49:00 PM
Thank you for this lovely comment, Silpika. You are very kind ~ John
Date: 8/7/2022 1:58:00 PM
I agree with Besma's eloquent answer. So sad that you lost a cousin John, we also lost one last year to Covid. The word GYMNOPEDIE can refer to the ancient Spartans who danced nude, and a late 19th century movement of art and music, - Eric Satie whose music was poignant and unconventional and which ranged from early jazz to pop. A very intriguing poem, rather sad, but masterfully written. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Date: 8/7/2022 8:49:00 AM
Life, Nature, Human nature, Music.. we bond with them with a very fine thread.. none could truly see what only could be read, felt and seen by the heart and mind.. They are all impressions decrypted.. Each has their own version and stand.. None is able to hold one truth and apply it.. The music is sublime! The painting is a rainbow of vision! Your poetry, John is the epitome of beauty and wisdom! A great pleasure to dive into its dimensions! My deepest regards and blessings.
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Date: 8/7/2022 1:57:00 AM
This is beautiful John in so many ways. I spoke the words in my head in time to when the piano played the higher notes. Only I'll know what that means but it worked beautifully for me. There is such great poetry skill on show here. You have weaved a masterful, moving tapestry of sound, vision and the written word that is both haunting and poignant - your work serves as such a fitting tribute to all concerned. I feel the pain and anguish through the questions you ask. 5 stars. Cheers - Gary
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:48:00 PM
Gary, thank you for the time you took to absorb these words, connect them to the music, and leave behind your wonderful comment. I'm so grateful for the appreciation of both art and music that we share and are occasionally about to express through poetry. Your affirmation means a great deal to me. Cheers, my friend ~ John
Date: 8/6/2022 10:31:00 PM
A lovely poignant tribute to your cousin John. I am sure his parents feel this pain of loss so deeply as you do too. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. Blessings xxoo
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:40:00 PM
Connie, I'm so grateful for your kind and compassionate comment. It was a subject that was never talked about in my home growing up, as though it needed to be swept under the rug. I still know very little about the circumstances. But having grown children of my own, I have developed more sensitivity for what parents sometimes are called upon to endure. I appreciate your friendship ~ John
Date: 8/6/2022 4:45:00 PM
I loved the imagery and deep introspection in your awesome lyric, John! It works very well with Satie’s music..has a wonderful moodiness to it. I’m sorry about the sad death of your cousin. What a difficult loss. Blessings to you, and best of luck in the contest! :)
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John Watt
Date: 8/25/2022 4:34:00 PM
Laura, thank you for this thoughtful and loving comment. I so appreciate your condolences and blessings. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply. You have described the music so well with your words 'wonderful moodiness'. I'm so grateful for your poetry friendship ~ John
Date: 8/5/2022 10:29:00 PM
This flows deep and wide, so much anguish explored, 'the vague silhouettes still haunt me' - what a powerful way to express the unanswerable question of why - I can't imagine the experience of losing a loved one to suicide, this is quite profound~
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John Watt
Date: 8/6/2022 12:00:00 AM
Thank you ever so much, my friend. My cousin was only 19 when he died. I was 12 and barely knew him... I miss him. I can hardly imagine what his family went through, or what he went through to propel him to that decision. Unanswerable questions. Hugs ~ John
Date: 8/5/2022 7:15:00 PM
Deep , touching and full of mystical moments. A wonderful tribute to your Aunt and Uncle dear John . I am familiar with Erik Satie’s piece.. haunting and poignant. I love that you wove the two paintings together with this music . Was there a season of darkness we missed ? It beckons so much introspection. Love this poem .hugs and blessings my friend, Susan :)
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John Watt
Date: 8/5/2022 10:24:00 PM
Dear Susan, thank you for exploring the depths with me. The ripples after a suicide are felt deep and wide. The questions that have no answers and the self-blame. As I stated, I've never delved into this dark corner before, but I do have much admiration for my aunt and uncle for enduring the aftermath. Thank you for walking this sad road with me. I love that you know the Satie piece... haunting and poignant are good descriptors. Hugs ~ John

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry