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Grief Stricken Fool

You knew that you could, I was so naive I'd just lost the love of my life, stricken so down with sorrow, I needed to grieve, I thought you wanted to help, just listen, all my inner thoughts just spilled out opened up my heart, secrets all revealed, my trust in you was without any doubt, just wanted my wounds to be healed, seemed like so many hours had past sore eyes, buckets of tears had flowed, your kindness would never be surpassed you knew I was at the end of the road, suggestion of a glass of wine sounded good one glass turned to a bottle then another, your affection shown I misunderstood suddenly you changed, didn't seem to bother, suddenly I was feeling sleepy, lethargic I was awake as you helped me to my bed not knowing what was happening felt tragic couldn't understand what was being said, You were forcefully undressing me Then I know your intent, couldn't escape I just wanted to but couldn’t break free just wanted to scream, shout rape, rape. 8/10/2018 Fool me once Poetry Contest Sponsored by Brenda Chiri.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 9/4/2018 8:37:00 AM
:( no words, except so well written. Congrats on your placement.
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Roy Pett
Date: 9/4/2018 4:55:00 PM
Thank you so much for your congratulations Haley much appreciated. :))
Date: 9/4/2018 5:17:00 AM
Excellent write, Roy. A terrible thing for anyone to experience. Congrats on your win...Charlie
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Roy Pett
Date: 9/4/2018 5:21:00 AM
Thank you so much for your very kind comment and congratulations Charlie your support is really appreciated my friend. :))
Date: 8/11/2018 4:38:00 PM
gosh Roy I got shivers down my spine reading this powerful piece and sadly these events happen all too often:-( hugs jan xx
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Roy Pett
Date: 8/12/2018 4:44:00 AM
Thanks Jan, I think I’ve taken being fooled to an extreme with this piece, I’ve not experienced anything like this, I also have not indicated the gender of the victim I left that for the reader to decide, thanks again for your support much appreciated my friend. :)
Date: 8/10/2018 10:49:00 AM
Powerful poem Roy. Well done for the contest :)
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Roy Pett
Date: 8/10/2018 11:01:00 AM
Thank you so much for your very kind comment and best wishes Heidi, I was a little weary about entering this due to the subject, thanks again for your support much appreciated my dear friend. :))
Date: 8/10/2018 10:08:00 AM
Have heard of this happening many times Roy and then the turmoil of court etc Well written. Good luck. Tom
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Roy Pett
Date: 8/10/2018 10:45:00 AM
Thanks Tom, Never experienced anything like this but have seen news reports about people being subjected to this awful act, thanks again for your very kind comment and best wishes my friend. :))
Date: 8/10/2018 7:43:00 AM
Oh. Goosebumps. You should have a trigger warning ;) Freakn excellent piece Roy. Now to shake it off... (excellent write for Brenda's contest, best of luck to you!) xomo
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Roy Pett
Date: 8/10/2018 9:18:00 AM
Thank you so much Maureen, I was unsure if this was suitable or on theme for Brenda’s contest, so really pleased to receive your comment, thanks again for your support and best wishes much appreciated my dear friend. :))

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