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Grandma What Is a Constellation

Grandma, what's a constellation of shapes? It's the stars your looking at tonight. See how they're shining bright, Twinkling, and blinking across the black crape. You'll need to read Greek and Roman mythology They're full of legends who had escapades which Were cloak and dagger kind of scrapes That put Lupus the Wolf, Orion The Hunter, Draco The dragon, the big and little dippers in to the Skies. I hope this is feeding your appetite. Grandma, what's a constellation of shapes? It's the stars your looking at tonight. Grandma, it's cold can I snuggle with you in your Cape? Of course you can Joshua. There's so much to See. I have seen a green Comet and meteorites That were burning through our atmosphere. Think Of the story you could write. If you use your imagination you could have Quite an adventure among the stars to escape. Grandma, what's a constellation of shapes? It's the stars your looking at tonight.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 2/2/2019 4:55:00 PM
this is really sweet, Bette. Cuddling with grandma. So nice!
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Bavington  Avatar
Bette Bavington
Date: 2/3/2019 11:14:00 AM
Thank you Andrea. This grandchild lives out west. So I only to get see him once in a great while. They don't stay little long. I am thankful for what ever time I get.
Date: 2/1/2019 9:18:00 PM
Bette, this went to my FAV list so fast, my head was spinning. It spoke to my heart, and my soul nodded and leapt a bit with joy about her.
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Bavington  Avatar
Bette Bavington
Date: 2/2/2019 4:21:00 PM
I have another poem you might want to check out called Did You See. It's about the lady in the lake who gave King Arthur his sword. Another one is a Fiery Dragon. In this one it is about using our imagination. Maybe you could read them let me know what you think.
Bavington  Avatar
Bette Bavington
Date: 2/1/2019 10:02:00 PM
Thank you so much Caren. This means a lot coming from you. I am forever grateful for those kind words. I try to teach my grandchildren as I did my children in a way that they'll want to explore and check things out. I did home schooling for a long time. It was fun to see their minds blossom.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry