Grandma Was Dancing
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She was a tappin' to the tunes...
of those Mississippi blues,
step-pin' out, in her sexy...
cowgirl leather boots, red white & blue,
We were a watchin' her a prancin',
all through the kitchen, dancin'...
for she was so - hot & sizzlin'...
hummin' to those Mississippi tunes...
Funny curlers too, upon...
her head-for a new - Hair dew,
In her kitchen dancin' while...
she was, a swirlin'-in that bakers apron,
when her head...still a bobbin' to...
those Mississip-pi blues,
'Pots were a knockin'...
Grandma a sipin' & sockin' down all she brews,
while that kettle there was whistlin',
in har-mo-ny, with them good ole...
good ole...miss-is-SIP-pi moves,'
That floor there, was a bouncin'
holdin' hands we were a jumpin',
an-a hoppin' In the kitchen, to those...
sounds ...
Where Grandma's feet were a stompin',
In her new...New - Cowgirl - sexy - fancy
leather - Red, white, & blue Mississip-pi boots ...
(yip pee)
Copyright © Perry Campanella | Year Posted 2020
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