God Made Seas Which Him Would Please
God Made Seas Which Him Would Please
God made seas which him would please;
Many mountains high along with tall trees;
Always seemed so smart and very clever;
Could tell by all the things He did endeavor.
Birds sang so shrill while small babies cry;
Saw huge her of animals as they pass by;
Rays of hope reflected when inspected;
God's Son as our savior He had selected.
So we would exist God food would provide,
And always inside me His Spirit did abide;
Each wild wave came rushing to the shore;
On bright beach sand we are sure to adore.
With God we will be calm and really relax;
Free from burden not having to pay any tax;
Doing things God is completely capable;
Provide food for us on each and every table.
With all of His commandments must comply;
God radiated whole world as well as beautify;
Even though we are uneasy and hesitating,
Trinity in heaven for all of us will be waiting.
Copyright © James Horn | Year Posted 2021
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