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Gemini Garden, Silent One

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For Ink Empress's Gemini Garden, Silent One poetry contest.

I think it may seem a bit pretentious writing for a contest, which was hosted for me.. However, I could not resist in writing a simple musing in reply to my quote...

"A mute tongue is a slave to silence." I've danced with the devil. now he's tired, so he's left his demons behind - everyday there's a new arrival. Sometimes, I struggle to use my voice, especially when I get too choked to converse, most of the time I don't get a choice, so I keep it all hidden within my heart's vault and no one has the key to unlock it, but you who lives inside - promise me you will never confide my secrets. It's easy to smile, but when you forget and my silhouette cannot help, I become too fatigued to feel, yet, I refuse to surrender and kneel, but regret the questions I did not ask and when there is no metaphor for meaning, tears I refuse to reveal are released upon virtual visions, where only strangers can connect and construe. My emotions are a cocktail of confetti fireworks kindled from your lava. You who claim to love me, are you as patient as a sunflower without rain? You hide behind a veiled vocabulary and I ponder am I the only poem in your pearls of poetry as when there are no words, like Rumi's recital; "I choose to love you in silence, for in silence, there is no rejection." Would it not be poetic, to take your last breath, upon the day you were born? Would you celebrate my birth or feel sadness and continue to mourn? I wish I never become a flower for a florist. I hope you are never seen as a weed. In my Gemini garden you are my twin, different shades, but the same scent. A tongue offers nothing when a servant to solitude, but a muse can never be mute, such is the power of the mind, as I find freedom in verse even when life feels like a curse.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/3/2024 7:43:00 PM
way out of the ballpark, S...a searing write worthy of a fine win...sweet congrats!
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Date: 7/2/2024 1:18:00 PM
Wonderful Prose poetry Silent one, what the heart can’t speak of, poetry does. Congratulations on your win in Ink’s contest… Beryl
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Date: 7/2/2024 10:16:00 AM
I have no words! Congratulations and Happy birthday Silent One. You really broke the silence of our solitude with this masterpiece! Yes, "a muse can never be mute ".Profound imagery in each line. So captivating
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Date: 7/2/2024 9:32:00 AM
Happy Birthday and Congrats! Why not join in…it’s your party and you can write if you want to…write if you want to ;) Hugs
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Date: 7/2/2024 9:12:00 AM
Back with Congratulations on your win. I enjoyed reading your wonderful write again. Great/powerful last 6 lines.... I hope you had the best "Birthday" ever with many, many more wonderful ones to come... Have a great day writing away...............
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Date: 7/2/2024 8:14:00 AM
Dear silent one, its so nice to see you join in the celebration too hah! I know it did embarrass you, having a contest done for your birthday, but in life we find different dates , special ones, while alive to celebrate those we respect and admire: and your poetry is worth admiring, like for an example this poem is so deeply emotive, and the way you use metaphors is as always impeccable and so unique and refreshing! As its always authentically just you!! How you express and phrase things! “Cocktail of confetti” “ I ponder am I the only poem in your pearls of poetry“ and so many other lines especially the ending blew me away! Worthy of all the accolades! Congratulations!!! Well deserved! This poem touched my soul! As always as you weave not just words but emotions too
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Date: 6/22/2024 5:43:00 AM
Hmmm. A lot is going on here and I'm here for it. "Would you celebrate my birth or feel sadness and continue to mourn?" Celebrating would feel better. For I can only wish for you to be born again. Death has no fertility. I'm overwhelmed with this piece and it's a fav for me, Dear Silent. I love the opening by the way. I always love toxic lines. Hahaha.
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Date: 6/18/2024 10:31:00 PM
Absolutely stunning, perhaps hoping for a revelation held as yet secret in the womb of stark silence
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Date: 6/18/2024 7:02:00 AM
My emotions are a cocktail of confetti fireworks kindled from your lava… and I ponder am I the only poem in your pearls of poetry… but a muse can never be mute, such is the power of the mind…and so much more! Great write, Silent!
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Date: 6/18/2024 2:21:00 AM
A poem that indulges in great imagery, feelings and with great poetry.
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Date: 6/17/2024 3:06:00 PM
A lot of emotion and power in this, had some true questions true to yourself... I enjoyed reading
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Date: 6/17/2024 1:48:00 PM
Oh, I just love this!!! I can really relate to this and it is a Fave for me. Well written! :)
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Date: 6/17/2024 12:26:00 PM
Hi SO, the power of the mind is pulsating, inventive, and ever present. It has energized our imagination to write poetry, each one in his or her style. I guess at times each of us has demons to contend with and we find freedom in free falling in our minds and therefore explode in verse otherwise we would perhaps implode. Too many words spoken can be unnecessary and insincere, but some can be from the heart. Take care my friend, and Happy Birthday. Blessings Jennifer.
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Date: 6/17/2024 11:22:00 AM
Simply a stunning poem SO. Your poem on emotional turmoil and relationship complexity. It explores love, secrecy, vulnerability, and poetry's power. The poetry uses pictures and analogies to describe emotions with rich word choices. You also employ personification (dancing with the devil, demons arriving), similes (patient as a sunflower without rain), and Rumi allusions to enhance the poem's meaning and effect. Happy Birthday my friend
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Date: 6/17/2024 10:51:00 AM
I enjoyed reading your wonderful write. Love your quote. Never thought about a mute tongue being a slave to silence. It sure is.... "Good Luck" ~ "Happy Birthday" Have a blessed day writing away...........................
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Date: 6/17/2024 10:40:00 AM
Nice poem.
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Date: 6/17/2024 9:45:00 AM
Silent One, the last two lines conveys the perfect summation! Demons! Why must they exist I often ask myself, ye I know they must! Great write!!
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Date: 6/17/2024 8:13:00 AM
In meditation, reflection, silence is golden...but when one doesn't express his feelings to offer feedback, to communicate, silence becomes a tool of manipulation...a searing piece.,S...keep the flames burning !
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Date: 6/17/2024 5:33:00 AM
very touching poem, i loved the quote of Rumi, to be applied for sure for myself, a poem that take emotions, good luck for the contest yann
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Date: 6/17/2024 4:53:00 AM
Awesome take on your line quote big guy. Interestingly our Bible text for today dealt with the need to keep a secret when someone bares their heart and confides in you. Hope you have an awesome week.
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