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Funny Dreams

I have sworn off women but I can't control my dreams Beyoncé and Rihanna are trying to corrupt me At least that's the way it seems . The skimpy outfits they were wearing Took away my breath and on a winters night like this I thought they might freeze to death. They told me they would soon warm up and what they were going to do I know women have no stamina but at least I'm getting two. Now I'm a confident sort of guy With a very open mind but even I was shocked by their knowledge Of a very carnal kind . Then they started calling me Wyatt Earp I thought my peacemaker must be so long, hard and slick Beyoncé said , Don't kid yourself honey Its because you shoot so quick . Women . Even in dreams they have to have the last word.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 2/25/2014 7:59:00 PM
Keep dreaming! Great rhyme here; lot of fun to read.
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Date: 2/23/2014 6:41:00 PM
Just saw your note to me below(I rarely see comments left me, you gotta go put them under my poems!!) Anyway, wow, you are so lucky to be able to be a hop, skip and jump away from so many marvelous cities!! I envy you that!
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/24/2014 4:41:00 PM
Getting to those wonderful places is very cheap , Staying in those wonderful places is a whole different ball game . If ever you do go , Hire a tent , lol
Date: 2/23/2014 6:40:00 PM
Hey, what's this eggplant thing I did? I don't have a clue!!! you gotta refer me to my own comment. hahaha. I gotta get off now and make dinner. If I can find one of yours I have not seen recently, i will try to read it on my way off!
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/24/2014 4:44:00 PM
Hope dinner was something really special like bangers and mash and rich onion gravy ,
Date: 2/19/2014 8:24:00 AM
hahaha. What a dream!!! I guess you have been to Netherlands or you are from there. I can only dream that I would ever get the chance to go. I think I would very much enjoy living in that country.
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/19/2014 9:51:00 AM
By the way , Any characters you think you recognise in my agony aunt poem are purely coincidental. lol
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/19/2014 9:49:00 AM
Andrea , Please look up York minster , England . I live near there . Look up The shambles in York too and you'll see how we shop . Amsterdam is a massive draw for stag nights etc but Paris , Rome , The Vatican , Athens . and so on are only a couple of hours away for us and very cheap to get there .
Date: 2/19/2014 7:42:00 AM
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Darren Watson
Date: 2/19/2014 7:59:00 AM
Thanks Tim I lasted two full minutes too. How ungrateful can they be ?

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