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Frog Prince

There once was a dog who kissed a frog the frog became a prince and hasnt been seen since meanwhile, inside a castle the king thought it such hassle he'd no idea why the princess was in so much distress she said 'i want to find a man that loves my mind' and she ran to the pond to wash her hair, blonde as she sat on a log she saw a green frog 'are you lonely too?' the frog nodded as if he knew she gave the frog a kiss and what happened was such bliss her heart was beating faster and they lived happily ever after

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 3/10/2016 11:01:00 AM
Rachel, i truly like this. luv ~LINDA~
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Date: 7/19/2015 4:20:00 PM
RACHEL, Stopped by to say hello, I enjoyed reading your poem today. FOREVER <3 SKAT
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Date: 7/25/2011 8:23:00 AM
Enjoyed the humor this morning..I hope that frog turned into the prince that she so desired..This for letting me know that you had written this one..Soup mail soon..Sara
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