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Golly, this day could be my very last! So no, I am not going to organize my house really fast. I will sit with my cat, her calico fur, a love drape upon me. With warm cup of Joe and yes, writing poetry that sings of life, not strife! Not one ear of mine for doomsday sayers. Who love predicting our coming end. Go look out your window, do! Do you see millions of dead? Is an iceberg in your yard, over your head? That's the vision the media wants you to retain. A planet filled with floods, fires and incurable pain. Their latest is the pandemic scare, hello? Get your flu shot, the drug companies see you are a cash cow. "Come down to the pharmacy,get your flu shot," they hawk now! Ah, media, I love your theatrics! As evil as the snake in Eden was. How crazy are your prancing antics! Such pitiful, feigned hypocrisy. Negative, overpaid, lying donkeys! Methinks Panagiota dislikes phony news. Very true, very true! News should be on one night a year. Imagine how free your mind would be. Not overloaded by the mongrels of flotsom and jetson chicanery. September 20, 2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 9/22/2019 9:19:00 AM
Your poetry, its imagery, insight and truth amazes me my friend. This is a true gem and a fine message telling the many blinded citizens to beware of the destructive behemoth. As always exceptional poetry flows from you pen my friend. A FAV, a wonderful piece...
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/22/2019 8:59:00 PM
Robert, I am aware how imperfect life can be. But the drumbeat to separate us as humans is totally a sad and horrific event! Money, color, sexual orientation or even political orientations does not make us unequal. The press and TV lie with a straight face? Lying is a major sin. Ruining people by words is a form of terrorism. We can all work together and be human. Blame is the bane of our generation. I, for one, don't buy it. Character assasination is unbearable to me, Thank you for FAVING this..,,love, Panagiota xxx
Date: 9/21/2019 12:46:00 PM
I'm so glad that you got back at the media. I must be perfectly honest that at times they do get to me though thankfully able to shake their miscalculated messages and terrifying statistics off by meditating. Panagiota mou, I enjoy your realism! This poem should be sent to all the news stations of the entire planet Love and hugs, Jenny.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2019 5:51:00 PM
Yasou! Ah, my Jenn! I shall never be able to get Back at them. They are way ahead of me already destroying another person. I will not even mention this one's name, but he would read the poem and guffaw over it. Mr. Arrogant Back End of Horse. By not watching, their ratings drop. That's my joy! Many online sources for news. Now out to destroy Prince Andrew? Who is next? The Queen? What? While real criminals run free and worse, vow to be President. I appreciate your Poetry. You are such a talent. No news Panagiota
Date: 9/21/2019 9:14:00 AM
I agree. I won't watch fake news anymore. Nice flow. This was fun to read.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2019 10:39:00 AM
A fun read...good. These news people think we are fools. Charlatans, they are on TV....i think they will burn in hell one day with their windmills, no cars, and worse Destroying people's good names. The Mayor of NYC scares me. Our governor in CA is cracked. A dope. I was writing a poem all morning..I am so tired. It's simple but I am not brilliant.-))) Panagiota.
Date: 9/21/2019 6:28:00 AM
The media is outrageous - so many lies. It's hard to know what to think at times. Your poem was amazing, such excellent poetry. God bless you
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2019 6:47:00 AM
I see some of them sitting there with horns popping out of their evil heads. It's useless to listen to bags of wind saying nothing. The scary part is people do buy their total, unsubstantiated truths...worse, march in the streets in bellied. Panagiota you are a 5* visitor, you are and poet, too.
Date: 9/20/2019 7:05:00 PM
love this, panagiota. you are at top form here, just letting it all hang out. I really enjoy your poetry and our friendship.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/20/2019 8:32:00 PM
Hi there Andrea. Am ready to fall on the floor. Have been up since 3 am. This has been my best day at the Soup! Yes, and I enjoy our friendship and poetry.. That's me! Let it all hang out! Five ***** from Roger Ebert to you..from the both of us ))
Date: 9/20/2019 6:24:00 PM
One night a year would be just great...At least I can handle a one night of lies and propaganda..Indeed to much bull going out in the news..Nowadays I find it hard to seperate the truths I hear from lies..Powerful message in your poem.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/20/2019 8:25:00 PM
Many times I want to just break the TV, instead listen to jazz, Brazilian music ala Jobim, Soundscapes or NewAge..and like Blues. News is destructive and divisive. I don't need garbage in my head from crazy people...))) I am silly as is.poetry is far better and sane... Poetry News would be fantastic...instead of the bombastic! No glaciers in my backyard.. Panagiotaxxxan orange tree and tall evergreens, only. In spring, rose bushes.
Date: 9/20/2019 4:13:00 PM
This is absolutely great!!! You have pinned the tail on the BIG DONKEY!! Way to go! Cheers, gw
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/20/2019 5:24:00 PM
Heh-Heh. I want to state Something but it's too off color Five ***** for comnenting

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