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Flash On Badges Worn

Unseen vanishing, thin-skinned, blood-bone, broken-token people pokin' while invokin' spoken and unspoken words that slap at fat-back pimps gone insane on cocaine rain; bendin' over, slippin in, pasty, wasted, hurtin' urchins of the street: The spawn of dawn's humanity in feral peril dark despair - not flimsy freeway-floaters flying by or bee-bop preachers preachin' pestilence at midnight, in the quantified prophetics of poetic Hebrew quatrain prophecy. Midnight's wailin' siren song is singin' loud and long - trauma centers crowded once again cautiously collecting violated victims from another vicious night of viral pain. Garbage burstin' forth from bins at dawn! Crack-head harlot's humpin' dumpsters, lappin' scraps and bastin' wasted bellies, fillin' up their cup of human loss. Crazy little Lizzy wants to gather gormet goodies at the bottom of the bin but squirmy wormys feed and feast on every minute morsel of her promissory sin and leave our little Lizzy lying foul and very dizzy; another broken-token braying like a beast. Polished flash on badges worn by those who promise to protect are looked upon with scathing scorn by prophets of the street who must reject the tarnished badges bred and born of bureaucratic magic called neglect.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 1/13/2011 4:54:00 PM
Interesting work..I am glad that I chose this one to read today..This should not be in our great country..Sara
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