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Fishing With Witches

I went fishing with two witches Out in my new boat There was me, the witches Two black cats, and a little pygmy goat We sat out on the water The small odd group and me And in the first few hours Not one fish did we see The witches looked on skyward Grabbed hands to cast a spell They said that this worked wonders And then they both did yell Icarus, thickarus, giraffes and wild dogs Lizards, and giant gnu Bippity, Boppity, snakes and we wish An airborne callipoe stew Suddenly the water around the boat Started to steam, and then it did boil The sun disappeared, the sky went all black And the clouds went the colour of oil The witches both gathered the nets on the boat As the fish came on up from the deep They were out of the water and up in the air And through this the goat went to sleep Icarus, thickarus, giraffes and wild dogs Lizards, and giant gnu Bippity, Boppity, snakes and we wish An airborne callipoe stew Fish were around us, high in the air The witches waved nets as if mad The cats didn't move nor did the goat It was the best catch that I'd ever had After a while the sky turned to blue The witches sat back with a look We'd netted hundred of fish from the lake Now, they would have to be cooked Icarus, thickarus, giraffes and wild dogs Lizards, and giant gnu Bippity, Boppity, snakes and we wish An airborne callipoe stew I took the boat in, and docked on the shore With our fish all strung up just for show Everyone there asked what bait did we use? I just smiled, for they weren't set to know I go fishing with witches at least once a week My freezer is full and then some Their spell is amazing, it works every time They say it loud, and fish come Icarus, thickarus, giraffes and wild dogs Lizards, and giant gnu Bippity, Boppity, snakes and we wish An airborne callipoe stew

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 5/15/2018 1:25:00 PM
what a fun poem Roger I can imagine children loving this rhyme especially with the repeated stanza:-) hugs jan xx
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Turner Avatar
Roger Turner
Date: 5/15/2018 11:16:00 PM
thanks Jan. share it around so more kids can see it.
Date: 5/15/2018 10:55:00 AM
I wondered why the goat fell asleep and the cat didn't want to eat...Very creative to read...All the best Roger
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Turner Avatar
Roger Turner
Date: 5/15/2018 11:23:00 AM
thanks Arturo. I guess the goat was used to the hub bub. Just something I had to get out of my head so I could continue with one I was working on. Funny thing, this one came out better.

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