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Fighting Chilblains

Come now, you days so dreary, with thoughts mundane and weary. Both windy rain and bitter cold, find comfort in blains and days of old. To sit and sigh and wonder why this if and when the eyes are dry and the coals no longer lit are pale in the wake of stormy frozen gale. Until the frost is no longer on the glass neither inside, outside in stormy blast. And the Spring thaw comes in strident strain to greet us with warmth and smiles again. It lays a comfort blanket on us in haste as we smile inside ourselves...what a waste!!! While sitting we muse upon our fate.... Glad it rests not in the hands of a potentate My thought for tonight, anno dominie Jan 23, 2019 Charles Grady Henderson

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/7/2019 10:50:00 AM
A poem many of us can relate to as I dont like being cold Charles. I adore spring and love the 'comfort blanket line. I'm so thankful the cold wintry days are gone and we finally have some warm sunshine:-) hugs Jan xx
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