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This is an unfinished Heroic Crown of Sonnets dedicated to a friend's grandchild who was born with serious lower body issues 3 years ago...but he is so perfect and beautiful in every other way that I am certain he will more than overcome his mobility challenges with his gifted mind, beautiful smile and a determination few of us possess. It is also to any we pray will be happy and well. Ezra A partial Heroic Crown Sonnet #1 Our tears were dried within a precious smile, as secret prayers and wishes float away; within it there was pause within our trials to gaze upon what hope and faith allay. What gifts are shared that only heaven hides behind a veil that only trust can see; like long lost treasures hidden by the tides, they can't be seen, but always they will be. To wait and watch the years that quickly pass and see a smiling babe become a man who's gait belies his struggles in the past within a heart that's always had a plan. A knowing grin will kindly look our way, to thank us for the caring love we gave. Sonnet #2 To thank us for the caring love we gave, sweet Heaven's bosom keeps you closely clasped to shield us from those doubts that misbehave - tomorrow's always there within our grasp. Perfection never follows us too far, awaiting tests where expectations fail and written on a page of life's memoir, of storms that toss a peaceful day at sail. But there's a babe wrapped warmly in your arms who doesn't know a thing about those days; give us the strength to shelter him from harm and help him find his pathway through the maze. We learn from what he teaches all the while as we are swept where innocence beguiles. Sonnet #3 As we are swept where innocence beguiles our thoughts become a myriad of dreams, now drifting to the past world of a child where everything was not quite as it seemed. Our cloudy stare was reaching for a face or watching a small fist that grasps the air; a foggy distant silhouette to trace against the bedroom window's sunny glare; and then we're off to long forgotten dreams, all simple with a complicated plot, and filled with all we'd heard and all we'd seen - I truly wonder what we really thought. Swept onward now by time's eternal wave into a place where every prayer is brave. Sonnet #4 Into a place where every prayer is brave; a prayer's a wish for what the best may be - an earnest prayer to God for what we crave in hopes that he might hear our humble plea. How busy are the Heavens with all hopes and are they measured based on fervent need or on subdued and honest will to cope; I think perhaps the faith with which we plead that shines within a heart that's filled with love. The altar candles burn and never dim escaping to the night and high above. A shaft of light that surely leads to him. Along its path we find the truth we yearn - the lessons of acceptance that we learn. Sonnet #5 The lessons of acceptance that we learn, a palimpsest that's traced upon the past where still the truths before can be discerned beneath our scribbled wishes that were last. The childhood that we lived somehow survives in subtle yet persistent memories, all of which we've followed through our lives recalled in once forgotten melodies. With every generation we are bound to venerate the sacrifice before then turn and lift the next so we redound with caring love a child cannot ignore. Then the truth will glow and will not hide fore granted gifts of life we took in stride. Sonnet #6 Fore granted gifts of life we took in stride, the simple painless things from day to day not noticed on the journey that we ride until reality has had its say. So after all that's good, we face despair and permeate our hearts with sullen mood, forgetting all the blessings that were shared to trouble tender peace that we've pursued. But now those tender thoughts we must protect, despair is not a sin that we'll allow; then lifted by our faith to redirect to hopes that grow within a sacred vow. The love that we reflect will be returned - a child will teach us...every step is earned. (The other sonnets aren't good enough yet and are not worthy of him) So sonnet #15 will wait until they are - Sonnet #15 Our tears were dried within a precious smile to thank us for the caring love we gave as we are swept where innocence beguiles into a place where every prayer is brave. The lessons of acceptance that we learn; fore granted gifts of life we took in stride. A child will teach us every step is earned - that even simple gains are filled with pride. Each day shows us the way that we must go to face the journey strong and not look back. The years along the way will clearly show that there was truly nothing that was lacked. A family of many is as one to celebrate the man that is our son. CD Cornish - 2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/6/2019 11:45:00 PM
aw, you posted it! I love this crown of sonnets, this is soooooo beautiful and special to me! Thank you so much Craig. I'm going to try to post a video on facebook so for you to see how well our little guy is doing these days. :)
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Cornish Avatar
Craig Cornish
Date: 6/7/2019 7:03:00 AM
I would love that and I don't care how long it is!
Date: 6/6/2019 9:30:00 AM
oh gosh Criag what an epic poem and testament to the wee chappie, I can still picture his amazing smile in the photos we saw , I'm sure Becca will just love this:-) . Despite the issues he has to overcome, with his sheer determination and the support from his family he will go far - an inspirational young man indeed:-)into my faves its a wonderful tribute :-) hugs Jan x
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Craig Cornish
Date: 6/6/2019 11:19:00 AM
Thank you Jan she and her family have it. I just realized I hadn't posted it yet. Hope all is well with you

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