Erika Renee
Erika Renee, my little child,
you are growing too fast,
seems like yesterday I held
you in my arms, as I rocked
you to sleep.
I remember when you called
me papa in such a cute little way
and the enchanting smile you
gave me and still do.
I remember cute little things
you used to say, like when
I would say, let's go get
some fast food to eat,
you said, why not some
slow food.
I remember when you pretend
to be a doctor, then you
would say, oh, oh, I see some
cat hair.
I remember the day
you were born and
the first time I held you,
how proud I was to
be your grandfather.
Yes Erika Renee,
you are growing up
way too fast, one
thing is certain, I'm
still proud of you.
Loving you more
each day my
little sweet granddaughter,
please don't ever
wrote 2-19-10
for my granddaughter
Erika Renee Foulk
Born March 31, 1999
and will turn 11
on March 31, 2010
Copyright © James Foulk | Year Posted 2010
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