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Epic Limerick

There once was a girl named Sabine The cutest one I’d ever seen She had curly hair And a teddy named Bear And her bedroom was perfectly clean. Sabine had a brother named Jude, A generally radical dude, Who liked to play games And call Sabine names Until Mommy said, “Stop being rude!” Jude and Sabine lived in France. Their parents had met at a dance. Scupper, their mom, Had said, “Whoa, you’re the bomb!” When she first saw their daddy, named Lance. Along came a baby called Paul. He started out small but grew tall. He slept through the night In darkness and light And his parents said, “We have it all!” Lance built his family a house. It was just the right size for a mouse. And a spider or three And an ant colony And a partridge, a quail, and a grouse. The lot of them moved to a shoe. A kitten lived with them too. His name was Réglisse And he loved to eat grease And the occasional chocolate fondue. The garden they grew was a dream. The bees in it made clotted cream. The milk cows made honey And the apples looked funny And Scupper killed weeds with hot steam. A pigeon lived in the arbor. The grape leaves provided safe harbor. It pooped on the bench But it spoke quite good French And eventually found work as a barber. All of the children grew up. Their parents adopted a pup. Jude made perfumes Sabine painted brooms And Paul invented the cup.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/22/2022 5:12:00 PM
My friend Rico and Tom have some competition now! This is an epic Limerick and I loved every line. I can’t write them but I love to read them. This is just wonderful Amanda. A warm welcome to Poetry Soup. There are always Limerick contests here at Poetry Soup. I hope to see you enter one. Blessings and Aloha, Connie
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Navajo Avatar
Scupper Navajo
Date: 1/23/2022 12:50:00 AM
Sounds like fun! And thank you for the encouragement.
Date: 12/23/2021 11:02:00 AM
At last someone who knows how to write a limerick! Well done! Enjoyed the limericks and your imagination! Aloha!
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Navajo Avatar
Scupper Navajo
Date: 12/23/2021 11:34:00 AM
Thanks :)
Date: 12/23/2021 5:30:00 AM
Great string of limericks Amanda, Welcome to poetry soup, we sometimes have limerick collaborations so you'll fit in well. Merry Christmas. Tom
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Navajo Avatar
Scupper Navajo
Date: 12/23/2021 7:09:00 AM
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you. —Amanda

Book: Reflection on the Important Things