Elegy For Sir Thomas Moore
World War II vet, aged one hundred,
once risked his life for his mother land.
His country in a Covid war,
he once again lent them a hand.
Once youthful legs now needing aid
of walkers, this Thomas Moore did give
the battle-strength he still possessed,
so that Covid patients might live.
One hundred laps around his yard
with his walker, he raised some funds,
about thirty-three million pounds
for patients. The whole world was stunned!
Knighted by Queen Elizabeth,
to his name was added “Sir”.
He and the Queen, standing in sun,
knew not what would later occur.
Screaming mobs of anti-maskers
in America and beyond,
spewed bursts of droplets everywhere,
so Covid could never get gone.
It flew and hitch-hiked everywhere,
invaded the home of Sir Tom,
conquering his warrior grit,
killing him just like a bomb.
These people still start such riots,
not believing they really slay
people like our Sir Thomas Moore.
Yet they’ll never be made to pay.
Copyright © Jennifer Fenn | Year Posted 2021
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