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Easter Dinner

EASTER DINNER they liked the one behind me the teal and black checkerboard its sparkling tiles on the diagonal red, yellow, blue, pink pillows on sofas and chair the sunrise was unsympathetic like the cross, but the service was cozy for Easter Sunday. remember how it was raining yesterday? they liked the one behind me with framed women and palms i’d have to look over my shoulder see the eyes of the beholders steadily for twelve hours plus prepping the whole affair can you smell the onions and peppers the beginnings of love they liked the one behind me with the blue and pink sky, red roses fanned out, ferns, and modern art on display stirred the flour, salt, nearly a dozen eggs and water, still needed more water they liked the one behind me with the great picture window, the surf and sail, red and white striped shell, a book, and a cocktail with straw chicken - legs and breast red and white wine no deviled eggs - tossed toadstool radishes they liked the painting it drew them in i liked that they liked it wonder if they saw the red parakeet? even the beach chairs are red did they spy all the red things obviously I’ve counted most everything that is behind my back and in front of me 4/9/2023

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/11/2023 7:23:00 PM
Left a lot to the imagination on what was seen in the paintings while dinner was made. Went back to read a second time. Nicely written Kim. love phyl
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Rodrigues Avatar
Kim Rodrigues
Date: 4/11/2023 7:50:00 PM
Thanks so much!! My tables were setup in the living room.
Date: 4/11/2023 6:02:00 AM
Humor and spices blended all together! Strength to you Miss Kim in your daily magical world of poetry! :)
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 4/11/2023 7:51:00 PM
I thank you so much, Cliff!
Date: 4/10/2023 9:54:00 AM
You use such esoteric images and write in magical words ! I wonder what the red color symbolize. This is too deep for my average understanding, dear Kim
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 4/10/2023 12:31:00 PM
Whatever you do understand…it is likewise like a painting where you see a little bit at a time…perhaps study for a long time. Thanks for reading and your comment, my friend!
Date: 4/10/2023 3:12:00 AM
- A delightful poem, Kim - hugs
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 4/10/2023 5:57:00 AM
Thank you, dear one!
Date: 4/9/2023 9:22:00 PM
Marvelous poetry! Truly delightful. Magical use of words, imagery and feelings. Another FAV! "they liked the painting it drew them in i liked that they liked it wonder if they saw the red parakeet?" Wonderfully enchanting use of language.
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Kim Rodrigues
Date: 4/10/2023 5:58:00 AM
Thank you so much, Joe! That means a lot!

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