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Discord and Disarray

Hostilities hate & hysteria world full of platitudinous pandemonium perceive acute sufferance forbearance of all existing behind conflagration & commotion cupidity & callosity searing sweltering to heal hearts by drawing love & empathy betwixt beelzebub & mephistopheles painting pugnacity instead of horridness poltroonery sculpture Isthmus shielded by reverence & lionization to embrace shades of rainbow & relish silence How sensuous Is a tree without wind blowing through its branches where hidden sun wants to shine? & how sensuous mountain clinging falling echoes or homeland in search of its home? how sensuous depends on gratification of what’s desired. Written: May 05, 2023 A Brian Strand Premiere No 1214 Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Brian Strand NOTE::THIS IS AN OPEN(organic) FORM VERSE using spaces&breaks without grammatical symbols ,the ' open' relies upon 'the one breath limitation' (intuitive cadence)& so inherently requires the 'reader' (reciter) to input and responds thus making this enigmatic form a two way interplay & interpretatIon unique to the moment& changing according to mood is inherently variable.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 5/7/2023 3:07:00 AM
It is true that many people are suffering from outright hate these days plus bitterness, strife, the need to get even, covetousness, and jealousy. That is just to name a few negative emotions that are being mishandled. Working through all of those emotions and aim to be filled with love is the key to a better life. Thanks for sharing this one with us. Sara
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Date: 5/5/2023 11:56:00 PM
very interesting, love and hate ? may be a question of desire, nice punchline, a such original poem, i appreciate have a nice sunday
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Date: 5/5/2023 5:48:00 PM
Good luck to you and well worded, something flows very nicely about this, I found my head swaying with it as I read :)
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Date: 5/5/2023 3:54:00 PM
Symphony of emotions your poetic words strum my friend. You have mastered this form Brian likes (and you like) and once again delivered your theme splendidly, Lasaad. You don't need luck to win the contest--still, wishing you the best.
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