Disaster On Flight Fd4465e
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I arrived at the airport, along with my wife
For two whole weeks we'll live the good life
We're flying out today for a break in Italy
The place we've both always wanted to see.
We got through security then went to duty free
Champagne for my wife, and whiskey for me
We went to a restaurant for a quick bite
And patiently awaited the call for our flight.
It flashed up on the board, gate number eight
We were excited now and we couldn't wait
Showed our passports and boarded the flight
Sat down in our seats and buckled up tight.
The captain announced we're ready to go
We taxied to the main runway steady and slow
Then we picked up speed, we were moving quite fast
The plane rose from the ground airborne at last.
An hour went by and I reached down for my book
Then we heard a loud bang and the plane shook
There was screaming and panic, kids started to cry
Someone shouted out " we're all going to die ".
The plane started to dive, the cabin filled with smoke
Passengers were coughing some started to choke
The blue sea was below us and I saw a boat
And I thought to myself, would we sink or float.
A mask dropped down, hit me in the face
The crew shouted the order to "Brace, brace "
The plane made impact and bounced on the sea
We were all thrown about and I twisted my knee.
The lockers above opened and all the bags flew around
The screaming got louder, I'd never heard such a sound
Cold seawater poured in at a very fast rate
Then a hostess shouted loudly to " Evacuate ".
She said " Put on your lifejackets and head for the door "
People struggled to move with all the bags on the floor
There was panic and crying, both women and men
And I vowed to myself I'd never fly again.
The crew were brilliant they helped everyone out
Lives saved by their actions, of that I've no doubt
It was a strange sight seeing everyone afloat
Then in the distance I again saw the boat.
Above the noise of the sea a sound we did hear
It was the boats foghorn to let us know it was near
A loud gurgling sound we heard was the plane going down
" Swim away " someone shouted " Or else you might drown ".
As the plane disappeared it sent up a fine spray
In the distance I saw lifeboats heading our way
There were many passengers with some injury
My wife and I had been lucky, apart from my knee.
The grim reaper tried to snatch us, oh he had tried
But God heard our prayers today and no one had died
We're finished with flying now, my wife and me
The next holiday we go on will be one at sea,
Written 27th January 2018.
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2018
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