Dining Out
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This is not me..Way too young.
We went out to dine on this past Sunday
To a drive-in where we would eat in the truck
That is the guarded way to safely play
Settled in the last space, next to the muck
in the dumpster, by the scent I'm struck
When I rolled down the window, pressed the red
button, I told my husband we need to move
to get away from this stench, so we fled
Next door to, well, let's see if you approve
Veterinary Clinic, did the stench improve?
Windows up, facing the busy highway
Enjoyed dining out in nice fall air
Watching cars and trucks, wispy clouds, the array
Autumn's display, an ebony crow where?
In a brown tree, flies away with flair
Written: October 19, 2020
Sponsor: Francine Roberts
English Quintain..No set meter..Rhyme Scheme ababb. 2 to 5 stanzas
Contest: English Quintain
Copyright © Sara Kendrick | Year Posted 2020
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