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Decorate The Dead

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Alouette Me Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Andrea Dietrich


Atop a cold breeze, Jack Frost inks the trees. etching pigments on each leaf; orange, gold, and red, decorate the dead; in colors beyond belief. It's silent at dawn; the songbirds have gone. Painted leaves litter the ground swirling in the air, falling everywhere; like confetti tossed around.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 12/3/2024 7:48:00 AM
Wow! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this... delightful and delighting from start 'til the end. God bless you.
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Pinet Avatar
Emile Pinet
Date: 12/3/2024 8:43:00 AM
Thanks, Beata; I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 12/3/2024 6:25:00 AM
This is a wonderful little gem, congratulations
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Emile Pinet
Date: 12/3/2024 6:37:00 AM
Thanks, Terry; I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 12/3/2024 2:59:00 AM
Jack Frost inks the trees" - Grand writing. Congratulations!
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Emile Pinet
Date: 12/3/2024 6:37:00 AM
Thanks, Christuraj; I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 12/2/2024 11:38:00 PM
So colorful, Emile. And the confetti line was an awesome end line congrats in my contest
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Emile Pinet
Date: 12/3/2024 6:38:00 AM
Thanks, Andrea; I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 12/2/2024 8:50:00 PM
'etching pigments' beautiful write. congratulations on your win dear poet. cheers.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 12/3/2024 6:34:00 AM
Thanks, I appreciate your comments, my friend. Emile.
Date: 11/12/2024 10:25:00 AM
The title punches, the poem relieves! I like this! Faving.
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Emile Pinet
Date: 11/12/2024 11:23:00 AM
Thanks, Kim, you have brought a smile to my lips, my friend. Emile.

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