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Death and Life - Gustav Klimt - 1286

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Life and Death in two separated clusters, Klimt draws conflicts. The serenity of his cycle of life is bright in pure color, he depicts. A modern dance of death, yet he offers pause in what is inevitably set. Death savoring in anticipation, musing with the decision “Not yet”. Idly, death looks on, a sinister smile upon the gruesome face. He has no semblance of human form except a skull in place. Bones clutch a scepter as he seems to have found something to amuse. His robe of blue adorned by crosses, is he deciding which one to choose ? The manifestation of death at a distance from the slumbering cycle of life. A child to the young women, a muscular male and the old, fear no strife. Beautiful rounded forms clad with gently patterned clothes, Seemingly unperturbed by the grim reaper, everyone loathes. There is an eternal confrontation between death and life. Depictions of death usually show as dangerous as a knife. Opposed to the life depicted in a passive sleep like state. The purposeful asymmetrical balance is to differentiate. Death lies in wait in his blue robe with many a gaping grave. And yet hope of a reconciliation, seems that he will save. Not the evil lurking death, tempting them from their bed, Time to tell with the circle of life, will he allow them to live on instead?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/18/2024 5:21:00 PM
Dear SV, your beautiful poem captures the essence of Klimt's painting with perceptive poetic finesse. The duality of life and death captured and vividly expressed in both paint and poetic ink. Congratulations for your win in Brian's contest. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
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Speaks Volumes
Date: 2/19/2024 4:49:00 PM
Thank you so much Susan I really appreciate your encouragement. Best wishes Wen

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