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Dear Santa

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Another of my poems on the evils of BIG PHARMA. Sorry guys, but I have now had the experience with how bad things can be with a powerful drug, so I know what I am talking about! The particular one I mention in my poem is Prolia. It has maimed people, broken their bones and even killed some folks, and still FDA lets it stay on the list of "approved" drugs.

If anyone suffers from any kind of health problem, Immunocal is one of the best things I have found this past year in my efforts to heal myself of several horrible side effects of Prolia. Ask me in Soupmail if you want information!

These are links to Info on some of the "good stuff" Big Pharma does not want people looking into (you have to get Immunocal from Canada: no surprise). Another good one I tried was ASEA: It's really helpful and just cured an aquaintance of mine of lupis.

Dear Santa: Although there are some things I'd really like (a sauna or massage bed comes to mind) and who'd not like a fun, fast pretty car? But what I want is difficult to find! I had it once - but I was in my youth. From pain of body parts I then was free. My shoulders, neck and lower back felt fine. I did not have strange feelings in one knee! Then halfway through my life, assorted things began to happen. Some felt really bad. Ten years ago along a bone spur came, the worst pain which -till then- I'd ever had. But more came after that, and then I got a bad oncologist who had me take a strengthener for bones (it BREAKS folks' bones!!). I'm tired of all these things that are so fake. Dear Santa, I've been left with bad effects. I'm trying hard to make them go away. but now I'm healing with IMMUNOCAL, It's sadly not approved by FDA. It used to be approved by Medicare! But folks now have to buy it all themselves because Big Pharma gets good stuff shot down! But try it, Santa; it could cure sick elves! Dear Santa, I don't need big fancy things, and it's ok by me to not have wealth. Help doctors see Big Pharma is a fraud and open people's eyes to what brings health! PS. Some cash, perhaps, for more Immunocal? Dec. 8, 2019 for Gregory Paul's 'What You Want For Christmas' Poetry Contest

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 12/11/2019 10:11:00 AM
Andrea, I like your poem a lot, as you know I wrote about my health too, we are never too old to believe Santa can bring us joy... and thanks for all the information, glad you are getting better !
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Date: 12/8/2019 4:16:00 PM
Andrea, I like the sound of Christmas carolers singing the praises of new meds. Wonder which is more real.,Santa or Big Pharma? -Richard
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 4:28:00 PM
they both bear gifts, even Big Pharma sometimes. They gift Prolia to women who have overcome cancer (I got this expensive drug free) because they know that down the line using it, those women are going to end up having to return to the doctor with issues requiring more drugs. Docs get bonuses sometimes too for getting patients on Big Pharma's Xmas list. Thanks for the pieces of coal, docs.
Date: 12/8/2019 3:21:00 PM
May your wishes come true, Andrea. Your poem highlights a serious health issue in our country..kudos for sharing your experience. Hope you win BIG with this write.
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Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 3:41:00 PM
thanks, Vijay. It's important to me that I get the message out to all women who are told by doctors to do unncessary procedures such as Prolia, etc. I feel good that I have prevented a few already from partaking of their poison.
Date: 12/8/2019 2:41:00 PM
This is truly eye opening, thought provoking, and sad as all can be. Especially since it real.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 3:16:00 PM
I mean, can you believe this? The tumor is removed and I am radiated 36 times yet they still believed I would benefit from CHEMO (to make less chance of cancer returning) The idiots can't seem to grasp that chemo alone causes more cancer down the road??? For crying out loud!!! If you know anyone with cancer, have them watch the video "the Truth about Cancer" a REAL eye opener showing how misinformed most of our doctors are.
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 3:11:00 PM
thanks, Robert. There is so much I have learned the past few years. Cancer opened MY eyes to so many things that I never ever knew about before! Maybe that was the purpose in it all along. I thank God I did not follow their advice to do their chemo for mere prevention in the future.
Date: 12/8/2019 2:38:00 PM
Oh go ahead and ask for some extra cash just for something nice and something fun. :) <3 And I hope Santa gives them doctors an earful. :/ :) <3
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Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 3:42:00 PM
wish I could get a certain movie producer to give me a bit of cash.
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 3:14:00 PM
About ten thousand would do nicely. hahaha That would get me the sauna and massage bed at least! And pay for a year of Immunocal!!
Date: 12/8/2019 2:26:00 PM
Yes! Our health is more important than expensive gifts. Your poem is informative and very well-written. The situation with meds gets a little scarier each day! And, with famous people like Blythe Danner pushing Prolia . . . ! Janice
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Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 2:29:00 PM
She ought to be flogged. (or at least forced to actually take Prolia)
Date: 12/8/2019 1:59:00 PM
A serious poem...I pray sooner than later Big Pharma stop using people as experiments to make money...and really help...A conscious write Andrea
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 2:28:00 PM
If you are interested, here is an article saying basically Hitler was able to fund the war due to these corrupt companies;
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 2:22:00 PM
Basically, thanks to a few pharmacy companies , world war two got dragged out and perhaps Hitler would not have had as much money to fund his crazy war as long as he did, were it not for them.
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 12/8/2019 2:16:00 PM
thanks, arturo, but they are all about greed and making big business off cancer, other diseases and human suffering. In World war two three drug companies paid Hitler to use Jews for experiments with their drugs. One of them was Bayer company. It disgusts me and I wish to hell that people would wake up and see what they do.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things