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and post notes and photos about your poem like Andrea Dietrich.
Another of my poems on the evils of BIG PHARMA. Sorry guys, but I have now had the experience with how bad things can be with a powerful drug, so I know what I am talking about! The particular one I mention in my poem is Prolia. It has maimed people, broken their bones and even killed some folks, and still FDA lets it stay on the list of "approved" drugs.
If anyone suffers from any kind of health problem, Immunocal is one of the best things I have found this past year in my efforts to heal myself of several horrible side effects of Prolia. Ask me in Soupmail if you want information!
These are links to Info on some of the "good stuff" Big Pharma does not want people looking into (you have to get Immunocal from Canada: no surprise). Another good one I tried was ASEA: It's really helpful and just cured an aquaintance of mine of lupis.