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David Must Pay Less Attention In Class

And from the tree of knowledge, a serpent slid into view He’d seen it all before, our future he already knew Moses on some mountain, taking down the tablets god drew Jesus climbing Calvary, being mocked by fellow Jews Later history repeats, Galileo scanned the sky Finds Earth isn’t the centrepiece, gets nailed for asking why Then Newton made his calculations, watching apples fly The serpent began nodding, he once gave apples a try But the overall picture changed, when Einstein measured light Bending it around stars, real answers warped into sight His space predictions tied loose ends, causing a major fight Others found black holes in the theories, they seemed none too bright Wheelchair bound Hawking figured, but words wouldn’t roll his way The serpent still hissing, refused to give the game away Dawkins said god’s a delusion, so there’s no need to pray Guth papered over cracks, his inflation holds out today But who is this strange serpent, slithering about the tree A messenger from our future, or some demigod ET Charm from my imagination, man’s plain misogyny Well if you look hard enough earthlings, you may see it’s we! So there you have my story, blueprints are sketchy indeed Just like I left out Darwin, because of half truths he freed What about god, what about god David, who plants our seed Well like most people, I’ll go searching in my hour of need By David Kavanagh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 6/21/2023 2:50:00 PM
Especially for me David Sir Or should I say Dave Allen Final line especially I to as well will most probably go searching in my hour of need. The only person I know who didn't Was in fact my Father On his death bed my father was given a Bible by our family doctor And he said I quote time to make your peace with you maker And my father both stoically and stubbornly Replied He is not my maker Strength found in the face of death I still find to this day Staggering
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/23/2023 2:15:00 AM
Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/22/2023 3:21:00 PM
Was laughing David Sir Out of the lines you have wrote My favorite you have just Last line My main man Fave Thanking you Sir
Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/21/2023 4:01:00 PM
Thanks Christopher I very much appreciate your comment, most people try not think too deeply about life, reality, death, and I fully understand why, some have absolute faith in a god, others perhaps like your Dad was not a believer, and that’s understandable too, my point here is one of an agnostic searching for answers, why? Because it’s valid for a human, and I’m programmed that way, will I ever find what I’m looking for, who knows but I’m enjoying the search, and coming up with theories of my own, that make sense but only in the abstract, cheers my main man, David
Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/21/2023 2:51:00 PM
Fantastic write Sir Coura
Flaherty Avatar
Christopher Flaherty
Date: 6/21/2023 2:51:00 PM
Courage of Conviction Admirable
Date: 6/20/2023 8:10:00 PM
The majestic intelligent design by God is unrolling everyday across infinite landscapes and minute human cosmotolygies. An eternal (yet finite) story. And we know the end to the serpents search! You do you, others do them. As it should be, DK. Respect. Provocative piece. Thanks. :o)
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/21/2023 4:35:00 AM
Thank you Arlo, indeed we all have our own way of doing what we do, I’m honestly not sure what the serpents end game is, other than live, die, repeat, I myself prefer searching in the infinite, cheers David
Date: 6/20/2023 1:55:00 PM
The serpent doesn’t stop at the garden, Gods commandments no longer from Mount Sinai, Jesus forsaken repeatedly. Centuries of suffering, evolving, more suffering, (religions cause wars and torture) more evidence and still nothing. Even choice can be damning. When judgment day arrives, whom do we lament to Kim Jong Un –like his starved people? Life is scary and we have it good, the lucky ones—past lives made that happen? Believer’s choice! Van Gough heard voices (audio hallucinations) were they from the future? Does anybody really know what time it is? Lol –A Spellbinding rant, David
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/20/2023 2:26:00 PM
Like the serpent I’m nodding at your comment Anaya, it’s fair to say you paid too much attention in class too, can it really all come down to one knowable answer, I honestly don’t know, but I do know that human evolution has been somehow replaced by intelligence, and all the guys I mentioned tried their utmost to explain true reality in equations but still came up short, yes I know what time it is, it’s almost AI time lol, cheers David
Date: 6/20/2023 11:51:00 AM
Perhaps our uncertainty shows there is one divine being, the God, behind the scenes. You find biblical weavings through so many books and movies, trying to change it but so drawn to its light. When its light is picked on, man finds himself in violent chaos and common sense flees. Just say’n… I believe wholeheartedly. I enjoyed your poem with its many nuances. It is great!
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/20/2023 12:22:00 PM
Heya Kim, this one is certainly about my own frustration, and lack of concrete answers I’ve found to explain life and reality, I actually have faith in your genuine unwavering faith, hope that makes sense, yeah I was trying to keep it nuanced throughout each stanza, I’m glad someone spotted them lol, thank you so much for kind comments, cheers David
Date: 6/20/2023 9:33:00 AM
The serpent is astute. His aim is not to gather the good, but to scatter.
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/20/2023 10:34:00 AM
Maybe in a religious context Victor, but this one is purely from my agnostic viewpoint, and me not finding satisfactory answers in life, the serpent represents everything I cannot be certain of, cheers David
Date: 6/20/2023 6:56:00 AM
- A story that has been told millions of times...will always be changed...and we will always find holes and ask questions...what is the truth...a serpent with an incredible amount of power over human destiny ...a lot to think about ... well written and interesting, David :) - hugs
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/20/2023 8:34:00 AM
Sure thing Ann-Lise, just thoughts on a page!
Andresen Avatar
Anne-Lise Andresen
Date: 6/20/2023 8:18:00 AM
- It's not anti-religious or anti-scientific, my comment either...just thoughts :)
Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 6/20/2023 7:43:00 AM
Thank you Anne-Lise, I wasn’t expecting many comments on this one (truth) be told, but yes nothing out there seems to fit perfect in any field of humanity, that was always my point for writing this one, It’s not anti-religious or anti- scientific, the serpent is representative of everything we don’t know, even though it likes to slither around the tree of knowledge, cheers David

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry