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Should I just relent and do it Spin my verses on the pages Like I ultimately know it? A sage of truth and ages Will my words align to show it? Should I muse with introspection On the mad kaleidoscope And the altered misconceptions Of the oft-repeated tropes Which apply to our condition? Do I dare to be a mouthpiece? Make a statement universal? Plant with care the soldiering seeds In marching rows and intervals To range and bloom in open fields, Or blaze intrepid, fiery thoughts With fundamental words of proof That speak of beauty never lost In elemental shades of truth Which serve to lift the lonely heart What will it take to do it Capture such a mighty thing Seize the substance of the spirit Make the bell of it to ring And align my verses to it? Should I boldly go and do it Muster out my inner thoughts? Is it time for me to show up Cast my likes in with the lot And declare myself a poet?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/9/2023 7:13:00 PM
Just do it! John your words on paper (digital too) are proof of your badge. Wear it proudly. This poem is so bold and fresh, just do it! :)
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Oldham Avatar
John Oldham
Date: 4/12/2023 8:41:00 AM
Thanks, Linda. Think I'm there! Peace, john
Date: 3/28/2023 1:01:00 PM
I love the last stanza! I'm not sure when I'll be so bold though :)
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John Oldham
Date: 3/28/2023 5:39:00 PM
Ah, but you already are - :)
Date: 3/8/2023 6:28:00 PM
Indeed, you are poet ! Yes, it's so easy to see, and it's not just between you and me- now everyone has a chance to embrace it. May your ink continue to flow. :) Brandy
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John Oldham
Date: 3/9/2023 4:23:00 AM
Thank you, Brandy. I'm in! :) - John
Date: 3/8/2023 12:35:00 PM
yes do it. Do it. As Lincoln once said, I am a poet and didn't know it. (well, I think that's a quote of his. haha)
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John Oldham
Date: 3/9/2023 4:23:00 AM
Haha! Yeah, I've heard that one before. All good! Thanks for your support. - John

Book: Reflection on the Important Things