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Daddy Daddy Daddy

"Daddy's girl" sewn on my pink and lace nightgown Mom popped it over my head as she cooed, "Daddy will be home soon." She told me that story and many others from time I can't remember. Daddy, God, Santa Claus in order of importance- Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. He smiled and laughed, always had something new. Hoola Hoops, once -- my brother couldn't even walk. Daddy and Mommy before they were twenty eight: dressed - really dressed - no one wore t-shirts ladies' shorts zipped on the side; Dad wore white converse basketball shoes. We played. Daddy smiled and put his feet on our chest and we flew, my brother and I. We went to the zoo, with dry bread crumbs we saved in the garage, in an onion bag We could feed the animals then. Swimming in a lake, camping, in the driveway, fixing the car: my mind keeps snap shots. Dad told us we were the best at whatever we did so of course, we did more. Praise, encouragement, love a few practical skills. That's how I remember my father those years of bliss, when he had all the answers. I watched him cast his spell over my sons for over twenty five years. He was the best advice I could share.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 3/17/2014 5:13:00 PM
ANN, Congratulations, I'm scoping and enjoying the new featured poems for this week. :) It was nice to see your poem on the poetry soups, home page. Have a fun week. Always & Forever *LINDA
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Date: 3/17/2014 1:49:00 AM
Congratulations on your poem being featured this week. Enjoyed the awesome write, ann
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Date: 3/16/2014 5:12:00 PM
Reading this made me quite emotional wish I'd had this closeness with my father when I was younger - but I have it now. jan x
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Date: 3/14/2014 1:56:00 AM
Ann, a nice lovely win...Skat
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Date: 3/13/2014 6:27:00 PM
I thought this would show up in the winner's circle when i first read it. Congratulations. Love, Joyce
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Date: 3/13/2014 6:09:00 AM
Congratulations on the win Ann... Verlena
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Date: 3/13/2014 5:21:00 AM
Enjoyed the emotional write and congrats on the fine win, ann
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Date: 3/13/2014 3:31:00 AM
Congratulations my dear friend Ann . Thank you so much for your full support! Biggest hugs! Love lots, Leonora
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Date: 3/8/2014 2:20:00 PM
Ana, A nice warm WELCOME to poetry soup. I hope you enjoy the community, as I did when I first join, March 2010. You'll find many friendly poets, who are ready to support and offer positive feedback. I want to be the first to invite you on over, to my contest and poetry page. I OFFER MY CONTEST, in hopes it inspires you to write another poem. I'm looking forward to following you and your poetry ha-ha a special pair:) here's the link to the contest page. <---~Take Care!! From: your new poet friend @-> LINDA <-@
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Ann Copland
Date: 3/9/2014 10:49:00 PM
thank you linda -- i'm making my way around, bumping into walls ;) I will check your contest, thanks
Date: 3/5/2014 4:38:00 AM
Amazing have captured the love of your father very are lucky to have the memories of him that brings warmth to your step-father was the father figure I remember and he was a great dad to me...loved this , please continue to write, you have the gift...welcome to our family on PoetrySoup....Blessings, Chris
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Ann Copland
Date: 3/9/2014 10:50:00 PM
thank you, I appreciate your kind comments
Date: 3/5/2014 3:06:00 AM
- Warm welcome to PoetrySoup,Ann :) - I choose your first sweet written poem - hope you will write many poem in the future- Hope you will be satisfied with our "soup family" - we are many .. but has plenty of room for you too- PoetrySoup Rule1: Be kind and keep PoetrySoup a haven. PoetrySoup is a drama free zone(Comment on the poetry of others and they will comment on yours.) Thank you posted your words and thoughts here, I want to come back to read more another day. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Ann Copland
Date: 3/9/2014 10:52:00 PM
Anne Lise, thank so much for the welcome and your kind words. I like Rule 1 -- my kind of place.
Date: 3/5/2014 12:26:00 AM
What a lovely dad you had.. I was so blessed also. He would be proud of your poem. Love, Joyce
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Ann Copland
Date: 3/9/2014 10:53:00 PM
Joyce, your words touched me, knowing you understood. thank you
Date: 3/5/2014 12:03:00 AM
Ann, heartfelt poem. , Stopping by with a nice, sweet Welcome to Poetry Soup. I will find much delight, in reading and in time become familiar with your way of writing. But, for the mean time, I will greet you with the same smile, other poets passed when I first join the soup 4 years ago. I wish you the best when it comes to your poems. I hope you get to meet all the nice poets around here. Starting with me. SKAT :-) Please drop a hello and tell me a little about yourself if you like. I would like to be your newest poetry soup "FRIEND". Hugs* SKAT
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry