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Cut Me Loose

The choices I made whether good or bad I made them on my own free will Mine alone Maybe I'm too young and naive to make wild choices but I'm exploring my life Maybe I do care what others think because like you I'm made with one heart Maybe I don't like to hear the negative and false critics others are spreading because like you I'm made with feelings Maybe you don't know what I am going thru because you're far from knowing me So cut me loose and judge me less Maybe you need to take a step back if not minding your own life's affair and inspire me instead Maybe the choices I made were all for one particular reason... I just want to live life Because who wouldn't - One life to live baby Yesterday, today and tomorrow Was, is and will always be... My life, my choices and my journey So cut me loose here, will you Maybe Sometimes I do need an advice and knowledge here and there on some critical aspects of life that I don't quite understand And I will seek from the wise ones, mind you Maybe whatever comes to be about into my life is meant for, and I'll accept as it will be So sit back relax and ride your own journey The less you consider me to be your top topic everyday, the better for sure So cut me loose... Smile! Akkina R Downing

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 12/27/2017 8:36:00 AM
An impressive slam but with no hard feelings included, Akkina:) Like you, I wish more people minded their own business and stopped gossiping about others; we are wise (and in my case, old) enough to ask for advice if the need arose! Smiles & hugs // paul
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Date: 12/23/2016 7:47:00 PM
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Date: 12/23/2016 7:10:00 PM
Curiously, what if someone thought they were in love with you, would you feel the same way? I see what you are saying and I agree. I'm just a curious fellow:) You are a carefree spirit. Whoever earns your attention better watch out. You might just love them to death:)
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Akkina Downing
Date: 12/23/2016 8:25:00 PM
This was basically about these women that can't stop nagging/criticizing me because I'm too thin and I happen to love fashions... Lol!
Date: 12/7/2016 9:08:00 AM
This is definitely spoken with much truth. I love the theme, worry about yourself and let me worry about me. Nicely expressed Akkina.
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Akkina Downing
Date: 12/7/2016 1:23:00 PM
Heheh... It gets very tiring after awhile you know. Sometimes you just need to be able to do things the way you see fit to your happiness, and yet can't enjoy it because others are minding you. Lol!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things