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Corporate Bull

Poet's Notes

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The sight of ties fluttering in the wind always reminds me of a goat or bull on the loose that just snapped its tether. And I see more parallels between life in the corporate world and life in the paddock ...

Each day I go to work to graze at my desk, I pass many a sullen cow grazing in the field. They have ropes around their necks that bind them to a peg, And I a tie around my neck to bind me to my desk. Through my large office window, I see calves torn from their mothers: Farmer wants their milk, and their milk he will have. Through the door across the floor, I see my kids turned away: Boss milks my time and energy, and not a pint will he share. That's why my kids cry each day I leave for work: 'Tis the pain of knowing that when that night Boss drops me home, all he'll drop are drops of me. O lord, that's all they can have, my poor little kids: drops of my energy, drops of my time—drops of me!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 7/1/2017 4:29:00 PM
a sad reflection of life today Agona - our bosses want their pound of flesh and milk us dry:-( hugs Jan xx
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Date: 3/21/2016 6:18:00 AM
A fine write Agona, and so true.
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Date: 2/7/2016 5:11:00 AM
Agona, thank you even more, for putting a lovely smile on my face today. Your visits are very much appreciated. Love LINDA
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Date: 1/30/2016 5:48:00 PM
AQONA, Dropped by to say hi and congratulate you on having your poem selected by Soup's Administration. This is a wonderful poem to have featured on the homepage. Always & Forever! LINDA
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Agona Apell
Date: 2/7/2016 2:35:00 AM
Thanks Linda for your kind words!
Date: 1/26/2016 5:51:00 PM
Sounds about right in this society
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Agona Apell
Date: 1/27/2016 8:01:00 AM
Yes Karen, it's the ugly part of employment.
Date: 1/26/2016 9:57:00 AM
Beautifully penned. Being the "Ram Goat" that you are, may those "drops" become that mighty River of Love" you children will come to swim in. Peace and Love. Brother M. Lowe.
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Millard Lowe
Date: 1/27/2016 10:09:00 AM
Thanks Agona, may you be blessed with much rain.
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Agona Apell
Date: 1/27/2016 7:57:00 AM
Love the thought of the drops growing into a river. Perhaps I should some day add another stanza which develops around that insight. This proves the value of the comments lot. Thanks for dropping by.
Date: 5/23/2015 3:00:00 AM
AGONA, thank you for sharing, it was a delight to read. **SKAT**
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Agona Apell
Date: 5/24/2015 7:29:00 AM
SKAT! Glad you should find it so!
Date: 5/22/2015 11:41:00 AM
I am proud of you that you have a good job and today is not forever...that job will give your children dreams that come true...Cheers...Loved your poetry....Thanks
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Agona Apell
Date: 5/23/2015 2:13:00 AM
Thanks Judy!

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