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Corinne and Me

As we sat in his hospital room, watching "The Young & Restless", waiting for the doctor of no good news, "Corinne and me," he said, "We're the old and useless." Then he wept to think in the caregiver home, she'd be asking "Where is George?" He wouldn't leave her, ever, and so he didn't. Later, at home, down by the garage, affairs in order, one bullet for her; another for him, real quick, so she wouldn't have time to wonder "Where is George?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 1/10/2011 4:35:00 PM
a most interesting write, Nola. Sad and true. Luv, Andrea
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Date: 12/7/2010 9:14:00 AM
Hi Nola, This is an all to familiar story; if it is true I'm sorry for your loss... Well written. Lay
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Date: 12/7/2010 8:52:00 AM
Oh my, this is so compelling, Nola. Daver Austin had told me of your talent and I was pleased to find you had posted a new poem today. After a long and happy life together, the story behind this write is not surprising to me. In fact, there was a similar event some years ago in Florida. Now my elderly stepmother is in a home asking where my father is. He died in January 2009 and she lost it. Excellent poem for my favorites. Thank you for sharing it. Best wishes, Carolyn
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