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Contemporary Art!?

Scathing these miscoloured orbs of sight, with incised rocks carved beneath Concretionaries jagged edges of contagiums.... Painted upon the predominating canvas of perceptions dank, pasteled times! So what has changed, this mosaic of histories collective collage? As one way or another many, infused, inebriate their thoughts to inertia Binding and bound; within these thicker links of connotations chains.... While they bury their bleeding nails into walls; immersed within darker days Wherein few lives withdraw completely these claws, of concourses contaminating Which extends itself polymorphously, deeper.... This unknowing muted muse amongst, everbearings, everyway?! Unto the very core within, bleaksomes mangled maze, of, adapted art.... This abstract and blurried shadow of vagues, prolific presentations How to pound the hearts into tears, of burnings coffins, set ablaze Amid the dawning of insanities decrying of decrepits, decores, so displayed.... Within these assylums waiting for their fills Beyond, the ghostly bars of Baals, notes, now played By this 'Phantom of The Operas' corpse; deceivings decay, exhumed.... These flaming embers of ashes; fortiums pins of pain! The crows casting within corners; like shackles upon most; the guiles, of guildeds shame? This sifting of flour to find the implosion of caverns Crashing, upon themselves to the suffocating truths, of, their often buried alive.... Subsisting encased within the cages like creatures, placed on exhibit? An example, of the modern day creations, lifted from the poisoned palettes, of Palladians ways Swirling within these inversions; smoke upon the rise.... Black splashings, atop the pavement of profounds Sculptors, with their crucifying knives! More concise within their uncompromising; binding the bound, within these thicker links of chains While they bury their bleeding touch, into the walls of this darklings darkest haze Wherein few souls escape such palindromic brushings These, emdedded pigments, of the palinodes days of daze.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contemporary Art!?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 6/27/2010 8:27:00 PM
Beautiful read .
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Date: 6/27/2010 8:27:00 AM
Dear John, some of the contemporary art seems to be filled with the angst and hate you describe. I always wonder what the artist was thinking when I see these paintings, sculptures, even poetry. As you describe so well in our amazing poem, they are anything BUT expressions of beauty. Well done, my friend! It's so nice to see you posting new work. Love, Carolyn
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Date: 6/27/2010 1:24:00 AM
You have a great vocabulary, John! You described art in such a dark way "sculptors, with their crucifying knives", "poisoned palettes', 'black splashing' ... It's true that nowadays art seems to be more violent, I've noticed that , too..but dark feelings are also a part of every one of us and, for the artists, sometimes those very feelings get metamorphosed into art...This is a great poem and a great topic, John! Kisses, Emily
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Date: 6/26/2010 11:00:00 PM
such breathtaking words here in your poem. bigger words, makes it all sound more in detail, and helps the reader feel your words. dark poem, i enjoy those. are you talking of how todays creations have us poisoned because of obsession. thats what i kind of got from it. i find this an amazing piece of work, John! and its okey, i don't mind! no need to apologize, i didn't even think anything of it.(: i am busy myself these days. have a great night.
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Date: 6/26/2010 9:13:00 PM
John, yes you guessed right. The Aster poem is symbolic of me because I too am September born! very astute you are! luv, andrea
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Date: 6/26/2010 8:41:00 PM
zowie, yes, where is the dictionary? (what Doris said here) Your vocabulary is simply amazing, John. And your writing here matches up to the theme of contemporay art! Here is a line that really stood out for me: they bury their bleeding nails into walls Just loved the imagery of that line as well as many other lines in your poem (such as days of daze!) Thanks for your sweet comment, john. you are so sensitive! LUv, Andrea
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Date: 6/26/2010 7:41:00 PM
where is the dictionary? sounds mysterious to me.
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Date: 6/26/2010 12:02:00 PM
This kind of art through verse is amazing. .These pallettes seem to carry dark colors,poison,chains,surely not your pallette. .which is so colorful,excellent poetry John!Celene!
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