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Comparison of the Tree

Thumping with a life, blood flowing through veins Beauty composes the view, weather vanes Brown, red, yellow, orange are all present Dormancy floods tree seeming heaven sent But death nears as time bears its dreary end The limbs are all crooked and surely bend Beds are filled with leaves old and decrepit With rain falling cold, causing me to sit Old, the feeling of the spot before me Ancient is the sure timeless century Seeping the sap oozes from open sores Hitting me deep within my heart and core Life of the tree surely lives just for us Holding strong even through massive digress
Russell Sivey

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 11/16/2013 5:14:00 AM
Interesting comparison here..At least, I get the feeling of a comparison..Enjoyed reading this morn..Thanks for stopping by..Your presence was encouraging.Sara
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