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The old man sits in his chair by the door His dog lies beside him curled up on the floor Ever since that day when the man lost his wife that dog had, to him, been the whole of his life With his constant companion through all those long days he'd sit in the sun enjoying its rays It seemed like for hours the old man had dozed A faint smile on his face and his eyes tightly closed The dog licks his hand and emits a faint whine and looks up at his face as if for a sign but the man doesn't move, just continues to smile so the dog lays back down on the floor for a while The dog gets its ball, lays it down at his feet but the man takes no notice, just stays still in his seat He nudges the ball as if he were saying "What's wrong with you, why aren't you playing" Then, as if in acceptance, the dog quietly sighs and looks up one last time with adoring eyes The dog keeps his vigil through the night 'til next day ever since, that sad morning, when the man passed away

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 12/10/2014 3:57:00 PM
Hi Rob: A beautiful heartfelt poem about a loss, a love and a loss. KEEP ON WRITING AND EVOLVING!
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Date: 12/10/2014 3:55:00 PM
Hi Rob: a beautiful heartfelt poem poem abaout a loo, a love and a loss. KEEP ON WRITING AND EVOLVING!
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Date: 12/9/2014 5:58:00 AM
Hi Rob, what a beautiful real life poem that many of us can relate to. In my case it was my father who passed away with his beloved dog Rover whose head was resting on his feet. Thanks, cheers Kev
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Date: 11/29/2014 11:27:00 PM
HI ROB, Stopping by with a nice, sweet Welcome to Poetry Soup. I will get much delight, in reading and in time become familiar with your verse. As for now, I will greet you with the same smile, others passed, when I first join the soup. Wishing you and your poetry the best. I hope you get to meet all the nice poet's around here. Starting with me. SKAT :-) Please drop a hello and tell me a little about yourself if you wish. I would like to be your newest poetry soup "FRIEND" Hugs* SKAT"
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Date: 11/29/2014 6:27:00 AM
- Warm welcome to PoetrySoup, Bob - I choose your first beautiful and well written poem - Nice to meet you! - Hope you will be satisfied with our "soup family" - we are many .. but has plenty of room for you too - Keep the PoetrySoup as a haven - (Comment on the poetry of others and they will comment on yours.) Thank you for posted your words and thoughts here, I want to come back to read more another day. - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Rob Biden
Date: 11/29/2014 7:53:00 AM
Thank you Anne Lise. I started writing rhymes 3/4 years ago when i retired, and it has given me a lot of pleasure. It's nice to have somewhere to post them so others might (hopefully) enjoy them.
Date: 11/27/2014 9:59:00 AM
I LOVED this one! It has the rhyming of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas'. Touching write. I'll put it as a favorite. If you click on a name or avatar... it will take you to that persons work. If you leave a comment it will leave a trail that they can always use to find your work.
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Date: 11/24/2014 4:54:00 PM
oh what a beautifully penned verse - you have captured the scene so tenderly in this verse with such a sad sad ending - its a 7 from me:-) Hugs Jan xx
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Date: 11/24/2014 3:30:00 PM
Such a beautiful poem that flowed so nicely. "The dog licks his hand and emits a faint whine and looks up at his face as if for a sign" Such memorable lines throughout. This left an impact on me and touched me deeply. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. Always, Laura
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Rob Biden
Date: 11/24/2014 3:35:00 PM
Thank you Laura. I started to write rhymes soon after I retired 4 years ago just to keep my mind active. I had no idea how much I'd enjoy it, that was the third one I wrote and the first one of any length.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things