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Coaxing the Morning

"For all the writers, brothers, sisters ... on our Only Ecosystem, Earth" I Some mornings are teenagers, or worse - Some mornings might combine junior and senior citizens Who know it all, or they have seen it all - How do we begin? Philosophically ... II Okay, that's a big, overused word - I meant, let us begin spiritually: Let us coax each morning, to be cordial, communicative ... "Morning, we are alive!" That's the first plus; secondly, As with your teens, coax the morning to be kind, attentive .... III Have I lost you now, what with "kindness" and all? I'll get to the point: persuade the morning, "Breath Equals Hope, that something or someone good will come ..." (I know the BEST will, next time as KING!) I lost you now? So, this is a wrap: Talk to the mornings as to someone you love : The Morning is as much your child as Mary and Josh. Show your LOVE! shalom, shalom: Enjoy each day. It is NOT easy. No one said it is. H O P E!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 12/19/2019 11:38:00 AM
You definitely have not lost me, Anil! We should be grateful for every new day that we are gifted. Amen...Shalom! // paul
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Anil Deo
Date: 12/19/2019 7:59:00 PM
Shalom, shalom & Thanks Paul. "Top of the Morning" to thee

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry