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For Matt Caliri's Coagulation Starter poetry contest.


Finally my blood began to coagulate, surrendering to wounds from constant battles. I was fading in shades of an Autumn leaf, crumbling to seasonal trials, yet, searching for a remedy to prevent winds from carrying me away. In the pantomime of life, I've learned how to pretend. Hiding the truth behind each scar, visible and invisible, engraved upon my skin. My soul is a testament to inflictions fought and won. Sometimes lacerations ache, yet the pain can never define me. For within me burns a spirit, fierce and full of flames. I've soared over storms, illuminated in the darkest night - still, I rise to the call of morning Robins. Each clot forming is a symbol of resilience, as in the face of adversity, I find my lion nature, so let the blood coagulate, let healing begin. I am a samurai not prepared to retire my Katana sword. Through every trial, I'll emerge stronger, until it's finally time to go back home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 5/5/2024 11:41:00 AM
Silent One, a great story of working through the trials and tribulations of life until it's time for the final bow. A fun read!
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Date: 4/8/2024 6:50:00 PM
A strong soul indeed. The bleeding does not stop us, it make and prepare us. The scars show how far we've come and how much endured. "In the pantomime of life, I've learned how to pretend. Hiding the truth behind each scar." Pretending does a lot of good work sometimes. It could take you farther in weeks than being yourself in years. Pantomime is like dark humour, not everyone understands at first sight. Reminds me of my theatre days. Lovely write Silent. Loved it as always.
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Date: 4/8/2024 1:47:00 AM
Resilience is how I describe this great piece of art. Excellently done and all the best in the contest
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Date: 4/7/2024 8:22:00 AM
Just beautiful. Love this. God bless you always, dear kind soul. I love you, Gina
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Date: 4/7/2024 3:47:00 AM
"I was fading in shades of an Autumn leaf, crumbling to seasonal trials, yet, searching for a remedy to prevent winds from carrying me away." Great use of language. "For within me burns a spirit, fierce and full of flames." Wonderful imagery! Great writing, enjoyed entire poem.
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Date: 4/6/2024 10:35:00 PM
Awesome take on the contest. Love all the metaphors.
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Date: 4/6/2024 9:27:00 PM
I love the comparison of failing strength, to an autumn leaf, Silent One. Your images are wonderful throughout this magnificent poem. It is in my faves. :)
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Date: 4/6/2024 10:49:00 AM
Your poetry is really moving, and the words flow so naturally; they convey such genuine feelings, my dear friend SO. This poem beautifully captures the resilience of a person in the face of adversity and the idea that they will be defined by nothing. Superb motivational poem. I believe that we should hold on to our weapons until it is no longer effective. Pleasure reading your poetry, dear friend
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Date: 4/6/2024 10:20:00 AM
"yet the pain can never define me"...I love that line, S O...and the rest of this piece, as well. BOL in the contest.
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Date: 4/6/2024 9:10:00 AM
Dear silent one youv written a very powerful poem for this first line prompt, and your lines flow seamlessly, with such sincere emotions! So well articulated. I felt the strength of the individual in this poem, despite the challenges, and how nothing would define them, so well phrased. I especially love the ending” I am a samurai not prepared to retire my Katana sword. Through every trial, I'll emerge stronger, until it's finally time to go back home.“ wow! That really blew me away! So profound. Pleasure reading this! Best wishes for the contest!
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Date: 4/6/2024 8:29:00 AM
Excellent inspirational poem. I agree that we should not leave our weapon of life until the strength ends. Loved to read your poem my dear friend.
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