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Cluttered Beauty

My quest for order is assailed When gazing at the scene. My neighbor’s less than tidy yard, Is wildly overgrown: obscene. There's clutter here and clutter there. In fact there's clutter everywhere. Yet flowers bloom in gorgeous hues, Not mindful that they are abused. Scattered wide and overgrown, Seeds tossed about when being sown. And thick green grass somehow is trim, Amongst the junk that lies within. I shake my head and think: tsk, tsk, Who’d want to look upon that mess? Then smile and to myself admit; I really can’t complain a bit. This scorn I show is not for real. It masks deep envy that I feel. A longing for more ease of life, An unkempt mind, devoid of strife. Delightful colors draw my gaze, As I look down that hill each day. If I'm to be, to myself true; I must admit; I’d miss the view.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 6/3/2015 10:15:00 PM
I so enjoy a multitude of colors. I think I have too much clutter of poems / thoughts on paper and too many books. I give a 7 for this gem of a poem :)
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Lefebvre Avatar
Diane Lefebvre
Date: 6/17/2015 10:34:00 AM
Hi Debbie, So sorry I am remiss in thanking you promptly for your comments on my poem 'Cluttered Beauty'. I guess when our minds are cluttered that it is not all bad. At least we are still using our brains to think with . . right? Best regards. Diane L.
Date: 4/3/2015 12:22:00 PM
Ahh!!..Soul searching while writing a very gifted work..I enjoyed reading this one today..Sara
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Diane Lefebvre
Date: 4/3/2015 5:55:00 PM
Thank you Sara. Post script to that poem. House sold, flowers, junk, well house gone. Only grass now. Boring!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things