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Cinnamon, Sage and Chili Powder Please

Cinnamon, sage and chili powder please Not together certainly, but these are the spices in my cupboard Chili powder is needed once or twice a week because this is what my husband likes to eat. I confess, I love it also. Chili. Chili. Chili. Chili. Chili. With potatoes and corn, lots of meat, and hot peppers. Wait! He does not like the hot peppers. I put the jalapenos in my individual soup bowl knowing it is I who loves those jalapenos and only me. Sage is the spice that reminds me of turkey stufffing Thanksgivings - the parade, the cousins, the frosted sugar cookies. She lavishes the stuffing that is moist from the bowels of the turkey Her smell permeates the kitchen, making me more grateful For sage than anything else on Thanksgivings day. Cinnamon is our family's go-to spice. We lavish it on the top of cakes. We sprinkle it on our flattened dough, before we roll it up. We flip it onto our left over pie crust, and let the kids eat it. Being a kid at heart, I eat it for the kids when they are not here. Cinnamon, sage, and chili powder please. These are my three top, utterly most favorite all-time spices.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/3/2019 2:30:00 PM
My husband would love your cooking - everything he makes is spicy and hot - remember we had a restaurant for years so hubby likes cooking! As for cinnamon, I'm the cinnamon baby, put it on everything also! Try mixing grated parmesan cheese and cinnamon with a touch of salt and pepper and fold it into your freshly boiled and drained pasta! Oh, and I forgot a drizzle of olive oil. Love, Jennifer.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 6/3/2019 4:55:00 PM
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I am so hungry now, Jennifer! Yum! Yum!
Date: 6/3/2019 12:17:00 AM
How does your husband like chili powder but not actual chilis??? Sounds like a communist to me. What about garlic salt? Is that considered a spice? That's my go to when all I have is butter and noodles. Actually I kinda hate garlic salt, loved your poem though :)
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 6/3/2019 5:11:00 AM
Thank you Phillip. My point exactly about the chilis. I love banana peppers and jalapeno peppers. I am not supposed to eat them any more after having acid reflux and tumors in my esophagus, but I LOVE them anyway!
Date: 6/2/2019 6:33:00 PM
Cayenne, paprika and cinnamon for me, please! :)
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 6/2/2019 8:53:00 PM
Cayenne. I am going to have to see WHAT that is!
Date: 6/2/2019 5:37:00 PM
you served up a tasty poem Caren, I love Chilli and cinnamon but prefer ginger to sage:-) hugs Jan xx
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 6/2/2019 6:08:00 PM
I do not know if I have ever tasted ginger except on a gingerbread cookie.
Date: 6/2/2019 4:09:00 PM
I'm not a big fan of cinnamon, but don't mind the others. Enjoyed your poem Caren.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 6/2/2019 4:33:00 PM
Thank you Silent One. You are so kind to come by!

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