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Christy Christafur Cat Tells

Christy Christafur Cat Tells. Christy Christafur Cat is always telling, in his meows, about a big monster who comes in while he is asleep and drinks all his milk, eats all his food and makes a dogged like noise before it leaves. To which Christy Christafur Cat has to bat an eye, twist an ear, then goes back to sleep. Only to have another big monster come into Christy’s life, who feeds him, gives him his milk, squeezes and pets him. Even talks to him. Christy is not telling much about him A truly wise cat.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 1/24/2021 10:57:00 AM
what a charming poem John and i love the cat's name:-) hugs jan xx
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Date: 5/19/2020 4:36:00 PM
This is a terrific poem that made me smile; it reminds me that some people have a lot to speak about when someone wrongs them, but nothing to say about those who nurture them.
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Hardison Avatar
John Hardison
Date: 5/19/2020 7:26:00 PM
Wrote about Christy Chistafur Cat a few years ago. He was a 'Dear'and could get away with a lot. Maybe that's why the dream. Thanks for your comment. Peace, Love and Joy

Book: Reflection on the Important Things