Christmas Without Mom
To eulogize your life when we have spent so many years apart
gives me comfort and memories of your precious passed life
You speak to me in my dreams and share images of a castle by the stream
it's walls shine of elegance a beauty of luster gold for your soul it now holds
My Mother, you are now a jewel of heaven, a gem in God's crown
as his loving arms hold you and his angels wings wrap around.
I know you sit in the room of hearts and some day you will take me in your arms,
while the angels play their harps like the soft swaying sound of a violin my soul
will then depart.
As I stroll to the waters edge of sadness and my reflection is looking back
I see my mothers wonderful smile our characteristics and mannerism
you blessed me as a child.
Tonight I will sleep and you will whisper in my ear all the stories
from the day that I was born, taking away my sadness and
giving me comfort to help me not to mourn.
So on Christmas morn when I awake from my dream that we shared
I will not see the lights from my Christmas tree
only the glow from the angel who has given me a life and a soul that is free.
T Reams 12/3/15 I miss you Mom
Copyright © Tammy Reams | Year Posted 2015
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