Cat Curiosity
Curiosity perhaps killed many a cat
For a cat it is an inquisitive brat
All life poor thing it shall rummage through trash
Spring on the dinner table and the diner might bash!
Famous might be a Tom cat for those famed nine lives
but not much help is that if in every danger it dives!
It's feline curiosity to crash-land it in trouble
for it tends to explore every kind of rubble.
Mr. feral puss for a fight and a wild-goose-chase.
Why forever look forward to yourself amuse and amaze?
In a cat basket he's likely to be struck with ennui
Perhaps his caretaker thought only of his fengshui?
His meowing screeching resonates in the valley
as he tussels with rival cats in the alley
Mr. Tom cat I tink I'll call you Mr. Sossy
but with feline femmes you're way too bossy
Wild and rough, with macho feral pride
I watch you tease and taunt in your typical stride.
No way is he kitty soft paws
Mr.sossy sure has the sharpest claws.
Sossy the tabby and fishy leftover fish pie
kissed the feline females and made them cry.
But my fav is my own cutie pussy darling so soft
even if she may raid the loft that's aloft
Copyright © S.Zaynab Kamoonpuri | Year Posted 2015
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