Castle On a Hill
The lonely prince’s resolution
A perfect lair’s creation
Months, years in the construction
Verdant fields seen from crenellations
Lofty towers his foes’ intimidation
The balm to his disaffection
But mostly, an ultimate seduction
The fairest maiden’s attentions
Soon to be his for the assumption
From across his fair and wide nation
But a chance encounter’s demonstration
On the road to the exposition
The fairest maid he met, by any definition
Yet much to his consternation
Nonplussed, the object of his affection
The castle not a successful persuasion
Swore she would wilt in isolation
Issued him the invitation
To let go of dream’s fixation
Become mere citizen of the nation?
©Thomas W. Quigley
Copyright © Tom Quigley | Year Posted 2016
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