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Carmel By the Sea

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Carmel by the Sea

Carmel By The Sea City Urban - Free photo on Pixabay

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Image of Carmel by the Sea by Pixabay. Carmel by the Sea Three-quarter distance to the city the rose bowl parade's held, paying a friend another visit as if the golden gate is not um, not after umpteen years. she does a lot of shopping touchy-feely, whatchamacallit reveals the wherewithal that we're still friends an artisans treasure trove, this cubby-hole of Clint Eastwood's hideaway from the city of the stars to the city by the bay an assortment of artisan works sprawled out crafted pieces tiny and large all over the store some chimerical or a closer look or, white elephants and then those "I'll take it, how much!" 'twas, a closer look that nabbed us of a Cedar Point thingamajig, 'twas a metallic tree attached to a rock she picked the one on top of this here tiered glass shelf 'tis the makeup of the store with signs, "Do not touch and do not hold, once you break it, we mark it sold!" while holding the metallic tree, it separated from the rock, which crashed through the top tiered glass shelf center, creating a v-shaped of the tiered glass shelves beneath, causing the entire display of all the metallic trees and rocks crashing down in front of her shoes as I stepped back as an instantaneous response that overwhelmed me. a schoolmarm persona sorta stood like posing for a photo methinks she froze up, and while standing bestilled, I cannot stop myself from laughing, so I paid the $400. in 1980 prices, at least I didn't walk home, 'twas years of a point remembered till we parted, and that occasioned me, the best investment I ever made! 2022 January 18 *3rd Place* Funny Memories ~~Natasha L Scragg: Judged 2022 January 28

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 1/31/2022 3:52:00 PM
wow what an incredible story and I love that final stanza .. the best investment you ever made had me laughing out loud,many congrats on your win:-) hugs Jan xx
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Hilo Poet
Date: 1/31/2022 6:38:00 PM
The ten-minute drive to her house was a hum-dinger as I couldn't keep a straight face no matter how fast I drove...If I drove any faster we'll be both be in front of the car all the way...c'est la vie. Thanks aplenty, Aloha!

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