Call Your Mother
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Call Your Mother
Pick up the phone...
do it now.
If you can.
Later if you must,
I trust that you,
know the difference.
She never put you off
or told you "later" on.
She was there,
when the world,
was not.
Not everyone has one,
"someone" like her.
You are ungrateful,
and a prick.
That is thick from me,
as I hate my own,
don't you see.
Some moms are not kind,
they do not make cookies,
or serve you wine.
They have other ways,
of making their
presence known.
That does not mean,
that yours is less,
or undeserving.
You decide,
but don't hide,
take pride,
in the manner you say,
that is "my mom..."
over there,
to share,
stories about the good times,
prayers about the bad,
and hugs,
for all the days
in the middle.
Copyright © Ann Foster | Year Posted 2019
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